Well it looks like this film is dead on arrival!
#Aquaman2 #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser
#Aquaman2 #amberheardisanabuser #TheSnyderverseIsDead #snyderverse #AmberHeard
OMG just take the L already bitch!
#amberheard #johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser
#AmberHeard #johnnydepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser
. #dNews #News #AmberTurd #dIrony #JusticeforJohnnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #WeJustDontLikeYouAmber
Did Johnny Depp do the DEED?
Good Lawgic's Joe Nierman recently gave a live, off-the-cuff closing argument for the Johnny Depp / Amber Heard trial. It was fantastic!
No legalese or twisted logic, simply the facts presented in a compelling story to prove the point. WELL WORTH A LISTEN!
#dNews #news #amberturd #dIrony #JUSTICEFORJOHNNYDEPP #amberheardisanabuser #WeJustDontLikeYouAmber