It has been wonderful watching my good friend #JohnRose set up his own company of RoseWorks Productions.
This is to promote his most excellent music which ranges from piano to electronic ambiance.
His brand new website is at:
As you may see from the website links he is all over the Internet. I personally mostly follow him on Bandcamp, but you may also sign up for his newsletter.
I highly recommend you check him out.
#ElectronicMusic #SpaceMusic #AmbianceMusic #RoseWorks
#johnrose #electronicmusic #spacemusic #ambiancemusic #roseworks
@vanessac do you like #AmbianceMusic?
I go on YouTube and listen to music from #Skyrim and the classical music from #Fallout4 or #Fallout76. To sleep I like to listen to #OpusNumberOne- it’s hold music. You might be familiar with it. Anyway, I like them.
Maybe they can help. I hope you feel better 🙏🏼
#opusnumberone #fallout76 #fallout4 #skyrim #ambiancemusic