😰 cerchiamo di dare risposta, in questo video, ad una curiosità legittima: ma esiste qualche tratto di personalità, qualche tipo di persona, che rischia con maggior probabilità di subire mobbing al lavoro?
#psicologoinrete #mobbing #psicologia #lavoro #ambizione #business #psicolgiadellavoro #straining #pedrazzi #crescitapersonale #costrittività #violenzapsicologica #carriera
#psicologoinrete #Mobbing #psicologia #lavoro #ambizione #business #psicolgiadellavoro #straining #pedrazzi #crescitapersonale #costrittivita #violenzapsicologica #carriera
#Ambizione : le FNS alloue 77,5 millions de francs à 97 jeunes scientifiques. Les bénéficiaires obtiennent en moyenne 800 000 francs afin de diriger pour la première fois de manière indépendante un projet dans une haute école suisse.
#recherche #science
#ambizione #recherche #science
#Ambizione: Der SNF vergibt 77,5 Millionen Franken an 97 junge Forschende. Sie erhalten durchschnittlich 800'000 Franken, um erstmals eigenständig ein Projekt an einer Schweizer Hochschule zu leiten.
#SNF #forschung #wissenschaft
#ambizione #snf #forschung #wissenschaft
#Ambizione: the SNSF has awarded CHF 77.5 million to 97 early-career researchers. They will receive an average of CHF 800,000 to run their first independent research project at a higher education institution in Switzerland.
#SNSF #research #science
#ambizione #SNSF #research #science
Secondo Shadow meeting sul #Cyberresilienceact.La sicurezza dei prodotti e servizi digitali mai come oggi al centro delle priorità per i nostri cittadini. Obiettivo:votare un testo in commissione @EP_Industry entro luglio per tutelare cittadini e imprese🇪🇺.#ambizione #trasperenza
#CyberResilienceAct #ambizione #trasperenza
I'm looking for a PhD student to work with me and @moritzdaum on the cognitive/neural #development of sentence planning! Deadline = March 17. Please share!
This position is for 1+3 years & part of my @snsf_ch #Ambizione project. The PhD student will study how children in Switzerland and the Philippines (and the US) learn to speak like adults, using #eyetracking and #eeg. Looking for someone interested in child development, psycholinguistics, & crosslinguistic diversity.
#development #ambizione #eyetracking #eeg
RT @SebastianSauppe
🚨 Job alert: I'm looking for a #PhD student (fully funded 4 years) to join my @snsf_ch #Ambizione project on the neuro-cognitive development of crosslinguistic language processing at @K_Weltentdecker @UZH_en (supervised by me + @moritzdaum). Please RT!
🚨 Job alert: I'm looking for a #PhD student (fully funded 4 years) to join my #Ambizione project on the neuro-cognitive development of crosslinguistic language processing at (supervised by me + Please RT!
There‘s a job opening for a #PhD student / doctoral researcher (fully funded, salary & research costs, 4 years) in my #SNSF @snsf_ch #Ambizione project on the neuro-cognitive development of language processing at the University of Zurich @uzh. The PhD student will be advised by me and @moritzdaum. Please share widely! #psycholinguistics #cognitivedevelopment #cogsci #psychology #linguistics
#phd #SNSF #ambizione #psycholinguistics #cognitivedevelopment #cogsci #psychology #linguistics
There‘s a job opening for a #PhD student / doctoral researcher (fully funded, salary & research costs, 4 years) in my #SNSF @snsf_ch #Ambizione project on the neuro-cognitive development of language processing at the University of Zurich @uzh. The PhD student will be advised by me and @moritzdaum. Please share widely!
Für ein @SNF_ch #Ambizione Projekt suchen wir eine Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft für eine Umfrage zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz und Politik. Bei Interesse DM oder Email an mich. Ich bitte um Weiterleitung!
Following my @snf_ch #Ambizione grant, which is about understanding the evolutionary dynamics in IBD gut microbiota, with this #StG, my group will focus on host-microbe interactions by crosstalk with anti-glycan antibodies in #IBD.
Perin a Dazn: `Ho scelto la Juve per ambizione` #perin #dazn #scelto #juve @juventusfc #ambizione #26agosto
#26agosto #ambizione #juve #scelto #dazn #perin
Lecce, Di Francesco:` Questa squadra ha ambizione, la tifoseria è caldissima` | Serie A | #lecce #francesco #squadra #ambizione #tifoseria #caldissima #serie #calciomercatocom #13agosto
#13agosto #calciomercatocom #serie #caldissima #tifoseria #ambizione #squadra #francesco #lecce