Depressed at how the UK government is responding to the ambulance worker strikes (hey folks....don't do ANYTHING that might require an ambulance today)
I walked (carefully, holding all hand rails of course...) to the ambulance station to donate to their strike fund. Because contrary to the UK governments's opinion they are striking because that is the ONLY way to get heard. Their wages are so low the loss of a day's pay is significant
#StandWithOurNHS #AmbulanceCrewsStrike #UKGoverment
#standwithournhs #ambulancecrewsstrike #UKGoverment
#AmbulanceCrewsStrike My little brother is one of them, and they deserve ALL our support, AND more money than this horrible government gives them.
Apparently the UK health secretary has said unions must ensure there are sufficient staff during strikes... He really doesn't get the irony of that, does he 🤦♀️
#fundournhs #nursesstrike #paramedicsstrike #standwithournhs #ambulancecrewsstrike