Thanks to A More Civilized Age, I'm watching "Crystal Crisis on Utapau" and it's the best Anakin+Obi-Wan adventure ever. What a shame it never made it to broadcast. #clonewars #AMCA #starwars
The sudden drop in #AMCA a more civilized age episodes is affecting me more than the winter weather :p
I wonder if Sally and Steve (of #AMCA fame) will ever find their way over here.
#amca #amorecivilisedage #andor
End of latest a more civilised age episode when they described the mom moving in with karn if he actually shacked up with the imperial... the muffled screaming I made at work. The exhaustion I felt. Fuuuuuuuck.
#amca #amorecivilisedage #andor
Top 10 Breaches and Leaky Server Screw Ups of 2019 - 2019 was a banner year for data exposures, with billions of people affected by cloud misconfigurat... more: #cloudmisconfigurations #biggestdatabreaches #cloudsecurity #collection#1 #leakyserver #capitalone #databreach #facebook #magecart #privacy #ecuador #equifax #imperva #breach #sprint #hacks #top10 #amca
#amca #top10 #hacks #sprint #breach #imperva #equifax #ecuador #privacy #magecart #facebook #databreach #capitalone #leakyserver #collection #cloudsecurity #biggestdatabreaches #cloudmisconfigurations