amc representing @filmfreakmafia at this screening of #BlueBeetle courtesy of #AMCAList #ShareAMC (AMC Pacific Place, 600 Pine St #400, Seattle, WA)
#bluebeetle #amcalist #shareamc
representing @filmfreakmafia at this screening of #IndianaJonesDialOfDestiny courtesy of #AMCAList #ShareAMC (AMC Pacific Place, 600 Pine St #400, Seattle, WA)
#indianajonesdialofdestiny #amcalist #shareamc
representing @filmfreakmafia at this screening of #TheFlash courtesy of #AMCAList #ShareAMC (AMC Pacific Place, 600 Pine St #400, Seattle, WA)
Just booked a ticket with AMC A-List, and for once it occurred to me to look at the regular price. My seat is a "premium sightline" seat and it would have been $20.49 plus (unspecified, because I don't pay them) booking fees! And this isn't IMAX or 3-D or anything, just an ordinary theater.
I don't know how people who don't use A-List or the other chains' equivalents go to movies in the theaters. It's so expensive!
Right at the beginning, yell “Why do we come to this place?” Nicole answers, “We come to this place for magic.”
After Nicole says, “To laugh, to cry”, yell, “You can’t do either of those things!”
As Nicole is saying “sound I can feel,” yell “How did Palpatine return?” Nicole answers, “Somehow.”
After Nicole says “Heroes feel like the best part of us”, yell “Unless they’re directed by Zack Snyder!”
I’m open to future suggestions but I think this is a start.