#archivematica user observation at #amcampams18 "to me as an archivist, very unclear when i should use tools - your doing stuff but there is no guidance - it's like you should already know." IMO this is another general #dp problem.
#archivematica #amcampams18 #dp
the #archivematica dashboard is the user interface to the pipeline and the place to make human-based decisions on processes, object treatment #amcampams18
Various ways to deploy #Archivematica, e.g. via redhat/CentOS, ubuntu package managers or via docker containers. Docker container deployment currently used by JISC for rdm repositories, says @justinsimpson@twitter #amcampams18
code for storage services is here on github https://github.com/artefactual/archivematica-storage-service
#archivematica storage service = abstraction layer to deal with different forms of storage systems, so workflows can function without knowing details about storage system attached (e.g., Amazon S3, DuraCloud, ...) #amcampams18
Glimpse into just some of the FOSS tools #Archivematica wraps in micro-services: AtoM, ClamAV, Django, ExifTool, Ffmpeg, FFprobe, Fido, FITS, German, Imagemagick, Inkscape, JHOVE, Md5deep, Mediaconch, Mediainfo, NFS-common, p7zip, Siegfried, Slethkt, Tesseract #amcampams18
McLellan on #archivematica as a community project: "Archivematica is what a bunch of different institutions think digital preservation should do, rolled out into a software, mediated by us. one of the key features is being public about the development process, allowing for wide feedback" #amcampams18
McLellan - "a trusted digital repository is about much more than creating AIPs and using them. ... it's about how you are using the system and the people and processes you have in place" #amcampams18 YUP. don't let vendors tell you they are selling a TDR
McLellan talks about an IMO crucial #dp sys req - important design aspect of #Archivematica is transparent AIPs, i.e. it's possible to blow away archivematica and still have access to your AIP. #amcampams18
#dp #archivematica #amcampams18
simplified #archivematica workflow: ingest -> verify -> identify -> characterize -> arrange -> normalise (for archival but also for access) -> describe -> package (as AIP and DIP) #amcampams18
archivematica is not a repository / storage system, it's a factory to create AIPs, from there they can be stored in e.g. amazon s3, duracloud, arkivum, microsoft azure, lockss, openstack, ovh, .... #amcampams18
forgot to mention - i'm at #amcampams18, Archivematica's User Camp in Amsterdam, for the next three days and will be tweeting&tooting from there. and .. oh yeah ... they got socks! <3
global spread of development peeps with @archivematica - spain / germany / canada. #amcampams18
big fan of community steered sw dev. i have plenty of experience with #rosetta in that regard, where customers get to co-shape the roadmap via working groups. really looking forward to #amcampams18 to start in an hour to see how this works in FOSS tools like #archivematica!
#rosetta #amcampams18 #archivematica