#CarrieFisher's last film, #Wonderwell, is finally getting a release in the US. Completed in 2016 six weeks before Fisher died, the film will receive a limited theatrical run via #AMCTheaters followed by a digital release on June 23. The delay has been attributed to extensive special effects and the COVID lockdown. The fantasy film also stars #RitaOra. #movies
#carriefisher #wonderwell #amctheaters #ritaora #movies
You don’t need ChatGPT, as I can write you some bad #AMCTheaters pickup lines: I came here to see Mrs. Doubtfire and now I can’t doubt the fire you started in my heart.
AMC Theater Chain to Show Movie Provoking Anger and Violence in Jesus’s Name
#GregLocke #MichaelFlynn #AMCTheaters #AMC #Jesus #ChristianNationalism
#GregLocke #michaelflynn #amctheaters #amc #jesus #christiannationalism
Charging more for better seats in movie theaters is one of the most bullshitty capitalistic things AMC Theaters could muster.
Sure try to syphon even more money out of a family trying to enjoy an evening of entertainment together.
I wonder what Christopher Nolan and the Theater Mafia think of this.
…and yes I love the theater experience, but this is fuckery for general audiences.
@TechNews no thank you #AMCTheaters. I recently cancelled my #StubAList membership because there's NOTHING TO SEE!! I paid all of 2022 and 2021 despite this problem with hopes that it would change......Guess what, I got used to streaming my movies and I'll just wait.
A price hike isn't going to change that. 🤨
#pricediscrimination #assignedseats #movietheaters #competition #hollywood #movies #amc #1
#amctheaters #stubalist #pricediscrimination #assignedseats #movietheaters #competition #hollywood #movies #amc
#AMCTheaters is now increasing prices on reserved seating now? Uhh no thanks! I rather continue seeing movies at the #RegalCinemas and #Cinemark thank you very much! At least they wouldn't be crazy enough to charge extra on reserved seating, unless they were super desperate for more extra money on their part
#amctheaters #regalcinemas #cinemark
With only 4 more weeks left until the release of #AntManandTheWaspQuantumania I’ve already reserved my ticket ahead of time for #IMAX release at the #AMCTheaters and I can’t wait! By the time February will be here, it will be 2 whole months since the last time I was at the movie theaters, since the last films I saw was #ViolentNight #AvatarTheWayOfWater & #PussInBootsTheLastWish
#AntManandTheWaspQuantumania #imax #amctheaters #violentnight #AvatarTheWayOfWater #pussinbootsthelastwish