We’re excited to announce new release of Armbian, v23.08, codename Colobus. Check what's new https://armbian.com/newsflash/armbian-23-8/ #release #upgrade #features #fixes #aarch64 #armhf #amd64 #riscv64 #embedded #linux #armbian #debian #ubuntu #yocto #buildroot #infosec
#release #upgrade #features #fixes #aarch64 #armhf #amd64 #riscv64 #embedded #linux #armbian #debian #ubuntu #yocto #buildroot #infosec
Check what is going on in our weekly newsletter: https://www.armbian.com/newsflash/armbian-leaflet-11/ #foss #news #linux #armbian #ubuntu #debian #fedora #arm64 #riscv64 #amd64 #embeddedlinux
#foss #news #linux #armbian #ubuntu #debian #fedora #arm64 #riscv64 #amd64 #embeddedlinux
@Theholypumpkin @toby well, unlike @bunsenlabs and @ubuntu on #amd64, @Raspberry_Pi & #Ubuntu on #RaspberryPi doesn't support #LUKS or setting up #FullDiskEncryption at all.
Which IMHO is not excuseable since even if the #Broadcom-made #SoC didn't have any Cryptograpy-Acceleration integrated whatsoever, the performance of #AES256 is still faster than any microSD or eMMC on the market.
Espechally since that feature predates the Raspberry Pi by over half a decade: even @opensuse 10.2 offered it.
#aes256 #soc #broadcom #fulldiskencryption #luks #RaspberryPi #Ubuntu #amd64
Added these symlinks.
#glibc needs some "convincing" to install *everything* to /usr, but it works.
It solves the issue on #aarch64 and #i386 (which both install the program interpreter to /lib by default).
It does NOT solve the issue on #amd64, where the program interpreter is installed to /lib64, but *something* during #GCC build insists on finding it in /usr/lib instead. 🤯
Trying a hack with a hardlink now (after learning that glibc's ldconfig just deletes symlinks to the program interpreter).
#glibc #aarch64 #i386 #amd64 #gcc
Finally, my #Linux-native #GNU toolchain for #FreeBSD's #Linuxulator works for C and C++ on #aarch64, #amd64 and #i386 🥳
I guess that's a good time to actually announce the ongoing project!
#linux #gnu #freebsd #linuxulator #aarch64 #amd64 #i386
@aurora sadly every competitior just vomits out some boards with shit to nonexistent documentation.
You might - if you don't need #ARM64 but could also use #ix86 / #amd64 - choose some #ThinClient like a #hp #T620 which can be had for as little as €30 with power supply, optional stand, 4GD DDR3L-SODIMM and 8GB M.2 B-Key SSD.
#t620 #hp #thinclient #amd64 #ix86 #arm64
@ki Angesichts dessen dass der Output kein #Copyright haben kann sehe ich das Problem nicht.
Hinzu kommt dass es z.B. bei Programmiersprachen nur eine finite Anzahl an richtigen Methoden gibt um etwas zu tun.
So würde ich identische Zeilen an #x86 - #Assembly in #NTLDR und #GRUB oder #SystemdBoot nicht als qualifizierend betrachten weil's auf #ix86 und #amd64 nur bestimmte Wege gibt Zeug in RAM zu laden und zu booten...
#amd64 #ix86 #systemdboot #Grub #ntldr #assembly #x86 #Copyright
@SebastienK that claim doesn't hold water considering the unfixable mess of #AMD64 / #ix86 and the unfixable #bloat that is #UEFI.
Instead they literally made an #Outlook-#Clone as #EFI-App!
#ix86 #efi #clone #outlook #uefi #bloat #amd64
@ariadne Eeyuppp!
There's a reason #Transmeta literally did design their chips to emulate #amd64 & #ix86 with an architecture that isn't an #ISA a OS can even directly utilize.
That being said, I'm confident that #ARM / #ARM64 will be a stepping stone till #RISCV is mature enough to become mainstream (i.e. 20 Years) and cheap $10 #FPGAs allow running one at a performance that is on-par to then current #AppleSilicon SoCs and faster than any current-day #AMD64 can be.
#AppleSilicon #fpgas #riscv #arm64 #ARM #isa #ix86 #amd64 #transmeta
@m0xee @kirby @memefolder 1/10, cuz I could at least accept an #ix86 / #amd64 #SBC as a "coprocessor" / "accelerator" card.
Like that #Oddware Card on some #PowerPC #Macs...
To run legacy Software and Hardware...
#macs #powerpc #Oddware #sbc #amd64 #ix86
I signed up for the #IBM #zDevelopmentTest environment trial - I can only imagine how many layers of #virtualization are happening right now as my sandboxed browser is connected to a virtual #Win10 looking box, to configure a virtual #zOS machine on a remote virutal #Linux machine- Curious how it compares to the actual #ADCD /zOS experience on bare #amd64
#ibm #zdevelopmenttest #virtualization #win10 #zos #linux #adcd #amd64
@sassageflare well, that's why I I'd use a #PCIe "#Sideplane" [#Backplane] because this way one can freely choose between #amd64 / #ARM64, #SPARCv9, #ppc64 and #riscv64 for their Host System....
But admittedly, modern high-end systems are kinda "boring"...
#riscv64 #ppc64 #sparcv9 #arm64 #amd64 #backplane #sideplane #pcie
@sassageflare @flexion That being said I do have a "boring" HP Z600...
But you'll likely call me a filthy casual for even mentioning a regular-ass #amd64 workstation...
@ActionRetro How about #BunsenLabs #Linux on the #T61?
Because that'll run awesome...
Sadly unless your T61 has a #Core2Duo upgraded it won't run #amd64 / #64bit distros, so you won't be able to use @tails / #Tails on it...
Otherwise do it like @fuchsiii and upgrade the #T61 beyond reasonable specs with something like a 2TB SSD and use it as #WindowsXP or #Windows7 #retro machine...
#retro #windows7 #windowsxp #tails #64Bit #amd64 #core2duo #t61 #Linux #bunsenlabs
Wife's desktop PC upgrade from #Debian 11 to 12 without issue.
The case is over 10 years old and even the upgraded motherboard is now getting long in the tooth. It's good though that I can keep old kit from going to landfill and still make it useful and productive.
#debian #linux #amd64 #bookworm