Hey there, folks! According to Tomshardware, AMD is preparing for a game-changing move! Seems like they are gearing up their Ryzen 7000 processors with a cool Starfield game bundle. Let me guess, you're eager to see how this Zen 4 powered combo will perform, right? 😎 #AMDRyzen7000 #StarfieldGameBundle #Zen4. So, do you think this bundle will give AMD a competitive edge? Share your thoughts!
#amdryzen7000 #starfieldgamebundle #zen4
👉 網頁好讀版:https://bit.ly/41IQ1mu
最近 AMD Ryzen 7000 系列 CPU 燒毀事件鬧得沸沸揚揚,AMD 官方已經針對此事件積極的跟主機板 ODM 討論要如何修正與預防,如果你已經遇到「燒毀」事件,建議可以聯絡主板廠商與 AMD 官方啟動 RMA 進行後續維修步驟,主機板廠商也陸續釋出 AM5 BIOS 韌體更新來修正與預防這次的事件。
#科技新聞 #新聞 #news #technews #amd #Ryzen #Ryzen7000 #ryzen7000x3d #AMDRyzen7000
#amdryzen7000 #ryzen7000x3d #ryzen7000 #ryzen #amd #technews #news #新聞 #科技新聞 #科技速報