I wasn't actually that impressed? Maybe because I read it first, but Ancillary Justice has so so many similarities and just blows these books out of the water in terms of like pacing and imo interesting investigations and ramifications of empire and distributed consciousness.
#amemorycalledempire #scifi #books
Which #SpaceOpera below is best?
#Teixcalaan (think #AMemoryCalledEmpire) by #ArkadyMartine
#RemembranceOfEarthsPast (AKA #TheThreeBodyProblem) by #LiuCixin
#HyperionCantos by #DanSimmons
#MarsTrilogy by #KimStanleyRobinson
VOTE HERE: https://mastodon.social/@tuckerteague/109502554423364054
Or paste this link in your search and vote.
#ScienceFiction #Scifi
#spaceopera #teixcalaan #amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine #remembranceofearthspast #thethreebodyproblem #liucixin #hyperioncantos #dansimmons #marstrilogy #kimstanleyrobinson #sciencefiction #scifi
Friends! The #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera Series Challenge continues!
Which of the following choices is the best? Vote below.
#Teixcalaan (think #AMemoryCalledEmpire) by #ArkadyMartine
#RemembranceOfEarthsPast (AKA #TheThreeBodyProblem) by #LiuCixin
#HyperionCantos by #DanSimmons
#MarsTrilogy by #KimStanleyRobinson
If you're NOT on the Mastodon.Social instance, you can access the poll from your instance. Just search for my profile and look for the pinned toot!
#liucixin #hyperioncantos #dansimmons #marstrilogy #kimstanleyrobinson #sciencefiction #spaceopera #teixcalaan #amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine #remembranceofearthspast #thethreebodyproblem
There was definitely some inspiration for this poem taken from the #AMemoryCalledEmpire series!
Finally getting around to finishing #AMemoryCalledEmpire, and I think I've finally put my finger on why this book, that others admire for its unique perspective, feels so normal and ho hum to me, while simultaneously feeling uncomfortable -- it's because the protagonist is me. It me. It, exactly, cuttingly, me.
I discovered there's now a sequel to A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine. And also that I didn't fully remember the first book (which is in part about the cybernetic embedding of the memory of your predecessors in your current mind).
So now I'm rereading the first book, with a faint memory of my former self reading it coming along for the ride, and my goodness isn't that just appropriate. #AMemoryCalledEmpire #ArkadyMartine
#amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine
@tracynicholrose very nice! #ParableOfTheSower is near the top of my to-read list but I haven't read much other work from Butler besides Kindred (which I enjoyed)
I'm currently enjoying the #AMemoryCalledEmpire series from #ArkadyMartine and really enjoying it! I appreciate how poetry & politics get a central stage in these books. I also just finished #TheWayfarer series by #BeckyChambers which is a great series of space opera slice of life books.
#parableofthesower #amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine #thewayfarer #beckychambers
Adding my own #introduction!
I'm Gus from #WashingtonDC! I'm a research scientist studying image analysis methods.
I like #drawing! Usually sci-fi characters, but also other #digitalart & #characterdesign.
I also like #creativecoding with #p5js & #Python & love to see the art people make with code!
I read a lot of #scifi, currently the sequel to #AMemoryCalledEmpire.
I'm getting into #zines (open to trade) & thinking about organizing a #solarpunk #zine. Let me know if you're interested!
#introduction #washingtondc #drawing #digitalart #characterdesign #creativecoding #p5js #python #scifi #amemorycalledempire #zines #solarpunk #zine
Here's my Ryker. Her design is VERY vaguely based off of Mahit Dzmare from the book #AMemoryCalledEmpire Mainly the name and what I imagined of her skintone. Didn't have the hair I thought though. Why do so few games have long hair? It's the spacefuture, they should have figured out how to shove it in a helmet by now.
#amemorycalledempire #masseffect