Funnily enough, all those #php & #js parsers are doing a #great job 😇
Even at just 64kbps they work very well and avoid all those datahogs.
I'd never have written any of em, had I had fast inet 24\7 :P
I'm #determined that I'll *not* run out of #internet this month :Alcea_LolFace:
I did enough #amending, #reprogramming etc.
#php #js #great #determined #internet #amending #reprogramming
is it weird that I'm really offended by bad research? Decided to skip working and instead read a book for relaxation tonight that partly takes place in my country.
And no, birth certificates aren't kept in German clinics. They're kept at the
Standesamt. Medical records are at clinics, but only for 10 years, so who cares if that clinic burned down?
And yes, Hans is a VERY German name. I had an uncle called Hans. Don't say it's not.
It's making me so angry I'm about to dnf.
In the cool darkness of the trees a fortune teller had set up. He was tall and gaunt, as if he barely had enough skin to stretch over his frame. “Tell your fortune?” He offered in an accent I couldn’t place. I agreed. He tossed a handful of bones and sticks onto his mat. “The cat will hunt.” He looked up at me, “Do not forget your hunter self.” I thanked him with a coin and continued on my way. Don’t forget my true nature? A thought provoking admonition. #RPG #AMending #Embroidery
We are entering a thickly forested area with aspen turning golden among the evergreens. Beside the road a mighty tree rose up, its leaves still green and untouched by autumn. It’s roots crossed my path and seemed to invite me to pause for a moment in its shade. I stopped and ate lunch, sharing bits of my sandwich with the dog. When I started back on my journey I felt revitalized and optimistic. #RPG #Embroidery #AMending
We’ve been writing to each other faithfully since she moved away. Weekly letters about the mundane things in our lives mostly. I keep all of her letters in a wooden box and frequently pull out favorites and re-read them. I wonder if she does the same with mine? I wonder if the boring minutia of my days is as important to her as her’s is to me. #RPG #Embroidery #AMending
When she called and said “I need you.” I didn’t even ask why. As I think about this, my feet slowly eating up the distance between us, I realize it’s because I’ve been waiting for the day she asked me to come. I wasn’t sure she would, she’s never asked for much from me. But she needs me now and I’ve needed her always. #RPG #Embroidery #AMending
A colorful merchant’s tent was set up on the side of the road, selling tokens and charms. A shiny gold coin with the image of a horse caught my eye. The merchant explained that it was a traveler’s charm and would make my journey safe and smooth. I’m not sure how much I can trust a random merchant on the side of the road but it was worth a few of my own coins on the off chance my journey would be charmed. #RPG #Embroidery #AMending
I stop to rest, pulling out a well worn book. She said I’d love it because it was a story of adventure and discovery. She affixed a bookplate inside the cover with the inscription, “Until we meet again my friend.” Today I notice the corner of the label is peeling, there’s a second label underneath. Curious, I carefully peel back the edges and reveal a nearly identical inscription. Nearly because the words “my friend” had originally been “my love”. What could it mean? #Embroidery #RPG #AMending
The little dog is an excellent companion, listening to me reminisce as it investigates novel smells along the road. I told it about the time my friend encouraged me to cut my hair. A simple thing but I agonized because I knew my parents would disapprove. The long hair I’d always worn felt so wrong, so stifling. We chopped my hair off together, laughing and joyful in what felt like a rebirth. I’ll forever be grateful for her support, I am more comfortable now, more me. #RPG #AMending #Embroidery
A memory causes a familiar pang in my heart. Years ago I’d shared with her a story of two girls in love. She’d said that was disgusting and that she had to go. I’d watched her hurry off, heartbroken to have gotten an answer to a question I couldn’t ask. I’m startled from my memories by a bark! A dog is watching me. I speak kindly and offer it some jerky. It’s friendly and joins me. I’m not sure if it’s long term or temporary but it saves me from talking to myself. #AMending #RPG #Embroidery
Having finally navigated around the mysterious darkness that blocked my path I followed the North Star and soon regained the road. I find myself at a crossroad. My friend’s house is to the north west. Should I turn west now or continue north and head west further on? With the North Star twinkling its encouragement I decided to continue that way. I’ll stop here for the night and continue my journey in the morning. #RPG #AMending #Embroidery
Today as I moved west shadows crowded in over the road and the air chilled. Something wasn’t right. I looked around at the uncanny gloom. Ahead I couldn’t make out anything and I shivered. I walked back into the sun then walked along the beach for awhile. I remember walking along the beach that last day before my dear friend left. I’d had a lock of hair in my pocket, but I’d lost my nerve at the last moment, nervous. I’d let them leave as just a friend. #RPG #AMending #Embroidery
Today I spotted the mottled ivory of a bone protruding from the dirt. I carefully pulled it from the ground, it must have seen many a traveler go down this road. “Wise old bone,” I addressed it, “How does my path look?” I tossed it into the air and it landed across my path, as if warning me about what lay ahead. I thanked it for its advice, burying it next to the path where it was safe from footfalls. I headed out again with a watchful eye. #RPG #AMending #Embroidery
While traveling I found a gold coin half buried in the roadway. When I uncovered it I discovered it had flecks of blood dried on it! I buried it on the side of the road. I’m not going to carry some unfortunate soul’s lost gold with me on my journey. The whole time I felt as if I was being watched but did not see anyone. #RPG #AMending #Embroidery
Started a game of the delightful “A Mending”, an embroidery based RPG.
Early this morning I set out on a journey to visit my far off friend. Just down the road from my home, I encountered a merchant with a charming selection of items. I purchased a sandwich that had been enchanted to taste the best when eaten for lunch. I stopped at midday and indeed the sandwich was very enjoyable. #AMending #RPG #Embroidery
Good morning, tooters. What cha reading this weekend? #Bookstodon #books #amending
unholy hell. did you get my memo on #amending Rev 1:1?
this is not a small thing; "2's a perfect number" (of god given rights to watch disappear into "really fucking thin air") before uhh... "#blametoo" #thelgna