The Christianity bit was so slick. 😖 I didn't clock it at first. Just hippies on a cross country bus journey, pooling their resources. Yes! Sign me up! The mention of Jesus and Acts was a real record scratch moment - what the WHAT?? Unsign me up, back it up, no thanks.
3/3 #AmericanCommune
Or maybe the fact that it's not a cult informed the fact that at the financial crisis, they assembed a board and ousted the guru rather than just getting really toxic/culty, doubling down on the direction the guru wanted - teach class, write books, be famous and make appearances. The leader didn't seem as narcissistic or predatory as some other famous gurus. Maybe it was an honest try at a #commune rather than #cult. 🤔 i want to believe, lol. Idk!! Future rabbithole!
#cult #commune #americancommune
2/3 #AmericanCommune
I wonder if this group was really so close to making a commune work - i would love to see that happen tbh - or if the FBI attack (on a field of what turned out to be ragweed, but which financially destroyed them) hit just before a point where things would've turned toxically cultish in a bad way. Idk. I need to know more, lol.
#cult #commune #americancommune
1/3 #AmericanCommune
Huh. Dd not know this one. In TN. AND dude's wife is THE Ina May Gaskin, famous midwife of the whole "natural" childbirth movement- it's one of the key ways women get told we're wrong. If you aren't in pain right now, you're womaning wrong, lol.
The #documentary focused on the better elements, nostalgia and some of the childhood memories. Religion sort of got slipped in there too. There are cultish elements w the main guy, but it's not a #cult... so many questions.
#commune #cult #documentary #americancommune