Every Type in the U.S.
100 Most Common Household Types based on the from 2021, these are the most common household types.

#household #americancommunitysurvey

Last updated 1 year ago

· @toussaint
77 followers · 777 posts · Server newsie.social

What percentage of income is spent on housing in your county?
Find out using our interactive data visualization that highlights recently released 2017-2021 5-year estimates: census.gov/library/visualizati
The parish i live in now is doing pretty good compared to most of the country;
25% but where i grew up, its 35%
and check out all those empty units

#americancommunitysurvey #CapitalismIsKillingYou

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @uscensusbureau@twitter.com

What percentage of income is spent on housing in your county?

Find out using new 2017-2021 5-year estimates and our new data visualization: census.gov/library/visualizati

🐦🔗: twitter.com/uscensusbureau/sta

#americancommunitysurvey #acsdata #dataviz

Last updated 2 years ago