I regularly use the #swahili word “chunga” in conversation with folks who speak #americanenglish. Everyone seems to get what I’m saying contextually and no one has ever asked me what it means. The word basically means “watch over” or “take care of” so it’s very practical. Are there other uncommon non #english terms you use with good success? #linguistics
#swahili #americanenglish #english #linguistics
So when did we lose "might" as the past tense of "may"?
> If it hadn't rained, they might never have met.
> If it hadn't rained, they may never have met.
Only the first construction sounds correct to my ear, but I rarely read anything but the second these days. Is this a #BritishEnglish vs. #AmericanEnglish distinction? Is it just the language marching on and leaving me behind?
#britishenglish #americanenglish #english #grammar #language #lingusitics #usage
#LustigesGegenDoofes #usa #americanenglish #BritishEnglish
Just recently in our former colonies…
#BritishEnglish #americanenglish #usa #lustigesgegendoofes
The upcoming LANA corpus of American English is still looking for people, especially non-women over 30 years old, to complete their spoken corpus. Please check out http://bitly.ws/wgjh for more information! And please boost around the US if you can.
#americanenglish #corpuslinguistics
#paidsurveys #cl2023 #corpuslinguistics #americanenglish
A weird thing about learning French on DuoLingo is that Britons must not only dodge the mispronunciations in the French examples ('dos' and 'bus' are annoying - former wrongly "doss", latter wrongly "bu" ) but also translate via a third language, ie American English. Freeway for motorway, couch for sofa/settee, soccer for football, parking lot for car park, grade for (school) class, etc. It's not critical but it's a significant additional challenge.
#Duolingo #BritishEnglish #AmericanEnglish
#duolingo #britishenglish #americanenglish
ルパート・グリントとエマ・ワトソンの絆の英会話🤝/ ハリー・ポッター特番の時の英語✨ https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1770867/global-beauties/
##英語耳 #America #American #americanenglish #english #Film #filmclips #GaribenTV #Hapa英会話 #Kevin'sEnglishRoom/掛山ケビ志郎 #Lupasensei #movie #Movieclip #Thisis英会話 #YouTube #YouTuber #youtube英語 #アメリカ英語 #イギリス英語 #エマ・ワトソン #サマー先生と英会話 #スピーキング #ニック式英会話 #バイリンガ-ルちか #バイリンガ-ル英会話 #バイリンガル #ヒアリング #リスニング #リスニングnews #リスニング英単語 #勉強 #勉強法 #映画 #映画紹介 #留学 #留学生 #英会話が好きな人と繋がりたい #英会話スクール #英会話上達法 #英会話仙人トモヤさん #英会話学習 #英会話家庭教師 #英会話教室 #英会話無料 #英語基礎 #語学勉強 #語学学習
#英語耳 #america #american #americanenglish #english #film #filmclips #garibentv #hapa英会話 #kevin #lupasensei #movie #movieclip #thisis英会話 #youtube #youtuber #youtube英語 #アメリカ英語 #イギリス英語 #エマ・ワトソン #サマー先生と英会話 #スピーキング #ニック式英会話 #バイリンガ #バイリンガル #ヒアリング #リスニング #リスニングnews #リスニング英単語 #勉強 #勉強法 #映画 #映画紹介 #留学 #留学生 #英会話が好きな人と繋がりたい #英会話スクール #英会話上達法 #英会話仙人トモヤさん #英会話学習 #英会話家庭教師 #英会話教室 #英会話無料 #英語基礎 #語学勉強 #語学学習
@mdm @LinuxAndYarn @amy @doot @dan
I find this sooooo weird!
I can't believe 'moist' is a taboo word in the US.
I'm fully waiting for someone to confess they're pulling my plums.
#SocioLinguistics #AmericanEnglish #UKEnglish #Swearing #Taboos
#taboos #swearing #ukenglish #americanenglish #sociolinguistics
I’m reading this book now, very interesting, “The People’s Tongue” Americans and The English Language. Author Ilan Stavans Publisher Restless Books #books #BooksofMastodon #englishlanguage #americanenglish
#americanenglish #englishlanguage #BooksofMastodon #Books
An #introduction - I work in #libraries, I speak #AmericanEnglish, #español, #日本語 (下手), and have started learning #한국어. Even though Spanish was my second learned language, Japanese is my second language. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of opportunities to speak either as much as I'd like
I fell into a K food/drama/pop hole during 2020. It's fun down here
I enjoy beer. A lot.
Sometimes I run. Lately, I haven't but really want to. Breweries + 5ks are how I spend my weekends.
#한국어 #日本語 #espanol #americanenglish #libraries #introduction
If you live long enough you'll get to experience the #language evolving out from under you.
Just watched a well researched #YouTube video on the effects of altitude and terrain on population distribution in Mexico, and listened to the presenter pronouncing "mountain" as "mownun" approximately one BILLION times.
So now my ears are bleeding. Yet the world moves on.
#language #youtube #pronunciation #americanenglish #dialect #perspective
do you say #route (#US style, as in "out") or route (#UK style, as in "root")?
#pronunciation #network #networking #routing #router #path #English #American #americanenglish #britishenglish
#english #american #americanenglish #BritishEnglish #path #route #network #networking #routing #router #us #uk #pronunciation
Finally out at Journal of #Phonetics: our corpus-based acoustic study of #AmericanEnglish #schwa and #VowelReduction
We show that all vowels *including schwa* assimilate to context (as expected), but they also neutralize toward [ᵻ] (a mid-high position).
This is actually pretty surprising! Because the dominant views are neutralization (to schwa; phonologists' take) or assimilation (to context; phoneticians' take), but vowels do both.
So, what's going on?
#phonetics #americanenglish #schwa #vowelreduction
Finally out at Journal of #Phonetics: our corpus-based acoustic study of #AmericanEnglish #schwa and #VowelReduction
We show that all vowels *including schwa* assimilate to context (as expected), but they also neutralize toward [ᵻ] (a mid-high position).
This is actually pretty surprising! Because the dominant views are neutralization (to schwa; phonologists' take) or assimilation (to context; phoneticians' take), but vowels do both.
So, what's going on?
#phonetics #americanenglish #schwa #vowelreduction
Why do people say pronounce codified with a short "o"? Don't they realise that it refers to long "o" codes, such as law codes?
I'm going to blame the Americans.
#americanenglish #pronunciation #english
Some old-fashioned #mapPorn before I go to sleep. 💤
*North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns*
Interactive: https://aschmann.net/AmEng/#LargeMap4Right
Full high res: https://aschmann.net/AmEng/index_collection/AmericanEnglishDialects.png
Source: https://aschmann.net/AmEng
#languages #English #AmericanEnglish #Canada #UnitedStates #dialects
#dialects #unitedstates #canada #americanenglish #english #languages #mapporn