"For that, you will have to go to Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, Pennsylvania, 80 miles away, a drive that will take you one hour and 40 minutes.
We have ready access to the firearms that kill people and cause extreme, life-threatening traumas, but limited availability to the kind of medical treatment that can save your life."
#guns #GunCulture #US #AmericanExceptionalism #Pennsylvania #violence #MassShooting
#guns #gunculture #us #americanexceptionalism #Pennsylvania #violence #massshooting
"Anyone who decides they want to shoot up our Dollar General Store, less than two minutes from this house and just a short distance past Patriot Arms and Munitions, will have plenty of firearms stores and firearms to choose from.
What any of the villages and towns around here do not have, however, is an emergency room with a level one trauma center that specializes in treating the kind of emergencies brought on by gunshot wounds."
#guns #GunCulture #US #AmericanExceptionalism #Pennsylvania
#guns #gunculture #us #americanexceptionalism #Pennsylvania
Lucian K. Truscott has done some intensive local research. His findings:
"Just by looking at the websites for the gun stores and the online retailers, I can assure you that there are more firearms within 40 minutes of Milford, Pennsylvania than there are residents of this village."
#guns #GunCulture #US #AmericanExceptionalism #Pennsylvania #violence #MassShooting
#guns #gunculture #us #americanexceptionalism #Pennsylvania #violence #massshooting
Charles Pierce on how our illusions — America the good, America the exceptional, America whose history is a tale of goodness, America the color-blind, America the religious and moral — are killing us:
"Our illusions are killing us, one at a time or in great numbers, over and over again. We have armed them again and placed them in new body armor and set them off at war against ourselves."
#AmericanExceptionalism #violence #racism #guns #AmericanInnocence
#americanexceptionalism #violence #racism #guns #americaninnocence
The Ugly Side of American Exceptionalism: Refusing to Play by the Rules
#americanempire #americanexceptionalism
US aid policies undermined success of Afghanistan mission, says watchdog chief | Global development | The Guardian
"America’s huge, badly-coordinated and politically-driven aid programme in Afghanistan engendered the corruption that undermined its entire mission and turned Afghans away from the western coalition, according to the head of a US aid watchdog."
#afghanistan #corruption #americanexceptionalism
Mass shootong at a block party in #baltimore
where 30 shot, 2 dead last night is not normal. You can blame proliferation of guns to a certain point. The trigger has to be pulled by someone.
I suppose they’ll wait for others to solve their problems.
#gunviolence #ghettoverse #ghettoculture #massshooting #americanexceptionalism
#baltimore #gunviolence #ghettoverse #ghettoculture #massshooting #americanexceptionalism
America is the Greatest Country in the World!
My first impression of the United States was… not great. I remember watching scraps of paper packaging blow unobstructed down the street in the late-summer breeze, corner trash bins overflowing twice their volume, crumbling concrete, cracked bricks, and peeling p
#Commentary #Essays #america #americanexceptionalism #culture #nationalism #politics #unitedstates #uspolitics
#uspolitics #unitedstates #Politics #nationalism #Culture #americanexceptionalism #america #essays #commentary
America is the Greatest Country in the World!
My first impression of the United States was… not great. I remember watching scraps of paper packaging blow unobstructed down the street in the late-summer breeze, corner trash bins overflowing twice their volume, crumbling concrete, cracked bricks, and peeling p
#Commentary #Essays #america #americanexceptionalism #culture #nationalism #politics #unitedstates #uspolitics
#uspolitics #unitedstates #Politics #nationalism #Culture #americanexceptionalism #america #essays #commentary
@doot me neither...
I guess "#AmericanExceptionalism" is collective gaslighting into ultranationalism and calling #progressive and #social things as "bad" & "communist" when in fact not having these will make 99,99% of all people have it worse and 99% of people suffer due to the nonexistance.
#Social #progressive #americanexceptionalism
Equal rights for all...
except for people who don't look like me...
and except for people who don't think like me...
and except for people who don't agree with me...
and except for people who don't worship like me...
and except for people who don't vote like me...
and so on and so on.
Greg Olear thinks that, before Americans snicker at the preposterousness of the king's coronation, we might want to look in the mirror:
"It’s tempting to snicker at Charles and this preposterous coronation ceremony. But what’s more harmful to a society in the 21st century, kings or guns? People in glass houses shouldn’t fire AR-15s."
#guns #USA #AmericanExceptionalism #AR15 #AssaultRifles #MassShooting
#guns #USA #americanexceptionalism #ar15 #assaultrifles #massshooting
"Every time someone talks to you about opposing abortion, ask them about their views on the Second Amendment. And if they tell you they’re pro-gun, point out that’s inconsistent with being pro-life. We all know this. It’s time to stop letting people get away with it."
#guns #ProLife #abortion #MassShooting #GunCulture #USA #AmericanExceptionalism
#guns #ProLife #abortion #massshooting #gunculture #USA #americanexceptionalism
"Guns should not have more rights than people in our society, but they do. And the ultimate irony is that the same crowd that insists on having their assault weapons also wants to prevent women from having an abortion, because: pro-life."
~ Joyce Vance
#guns #ProLife #abortion #MassShooting #GunCulture #USA #AmericanExceptionalism
#guns #ProLife #abortion #massshooting #gunculture #USA #americanexceptionalism
It's amazing how many American companies are completely oblivious to the idea that someone might not live in the United States. I frequently end up not buying something because someone's web site is incapable of processing an order without a zip code, since they assume that everyone in the world has one. This is a problem with exactly zero other countries. Not surprising, I suppose, for a place that was incapable of converting to the metric system. #AmericanExceptionalism
@cnnbrk 🥥 Someone should ask Sen. #TedCruz (R-TX) if this #Texas home where 5 people were shot last night -- including an 8-year-old -- has doors. Because y'all know #GunsDontKillPeople. 🥥 #GunControl, #SecondAmendment, #AmericanCarnage, #AmericanExceptionalism
#TedCruz #texas #gunsdontkillpeople #guncontrol #secondamendment #americancarnage #americanexceptionalism
How soon before the next hot home furnishing item in the US will be a gun receptacle to place on the wall next to your front door, for easy access as you open the door to a stranger?
#guns #USA #americanexceptionalism
"But the trouble is that the people who have the guns bought them out of fear, and now one of the things they fear is that someone might take their gun, and next up on Fox News … more things to be afraid of."
#guns #gunculture #violence #USA #americanexceptionalism
"The only way to stop the smallest action from bringing the threat of death, is to stop being an armed society. There are plenty of democracies around the planet which are not. In fact, every other democracy on the planet is not. Somehow they maintain their freedoms even when they can’t shoot someone for being on their porch, touching their car, etc."
#guns #gunculture #violence #USA #americanexceptionalism