Vote Blue to Save America · @JaneImber
227 followers · 1407 posts · Server

A suggested letter to your governor. Keep fighting fascism, because fascists never rest.

Governor, I'm concerned that text books modified by the fascist government in Florida will be used in Colorado schools. The governor of California has asked text book publishers for a detailed accounting of changes they have made to accommodate the fascist government of Florida. California's schools will not purchase or use modified texts. I hope you will do the same.

#governorpolis #americanfascists

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeff Markel · @jeffmarkel
111 followers · 135 posts · Server

Republicans - They've been with the Nazis almost as long as there have been Nazis - whether of the paleo- or neo- variety.

If you don't know what I mean, have a listen to Rachel Maddow's "Ultra" podcast series. I'd know most of what she chronicled in "Bag Man," having lived through the Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew era, but "Ultra" was a scary eye-opener. This Oklahoma story is of a piece with that.

#oklahoma #nazis #lynching #republicans #gop #murder #maddow #bagman #ultra #americanfascists

Last updated 1 year ago

Vote Blue to Save America · @JaneImber
205 followers · 1053 posts · Server

How long before red states set attack dogs loose to hunt down girls and women crossing state lines? Questioning families traveling by car? Pulling women off of trains and busses? They've been honing their techniques since before the Civil War. The GOP must be eliminated from this country before they can push us into Gilead.

#gilead #stopthegop #americanfascists

Last updated 1 year ago

Bonnie Sonder · @bsonder
146 followers · 2074 posts · Server

Radley Balko has the receipts on years of Tennessee Republican
bigotry and abuses of power.

#whitesupremacy #tennesseegop #americanfascists

Last updated 1 year ago

Bonnie Sonder · @bsonder
146 followers · 2073 posts · Server

My grandparents were from Tennessee and I was born when they moved to Philadelphia with their six daughters, oldest of which was my mother. I grew up repulsed by the south and the stories I heard about the violence to black people.
I was obviously a perceptive little kid and chose sides as a child.

#americanfascists #tennesseegop #fightfascism

Last updated 1 year ago

JustKathy · @KathyLK
70 followers · 217 posts · Server
Marleybits · @marleybits39
86 followers · 2519 posts · Server
Ryan Sedgeley · @WyoRyno
3 followers · 16 posts · Server

I had a hard laugh when I read the @NYTimes headline saying that the “far right” had prevented Kevin McCarthy from being elected Speaker of the House. McCarthy is far right, the nuts that are not voting for him are just the most unhinged and unabashed of the group.

#republicans #nohopefortherepuicanparty #republicanlosers #americanfascists #news #badheadlines

Last updated 2 years ago

Orion Ussner kidder · @OrionKidder
303 followers · 1113 posts · Server

The reactions to the , , dinner from has been "Oh heavens! Nazism?!" And welegitimately ask: why is *this* "too far"?

My theory: we know know that "Nazi" and "Hitler" are Things Americans Don't Like, so their tactic is to not use those words but still make fascist arguments.

West, especially, is saying "Nazi! Hitler!" so it's bad tactics for Cons to "own" him, but they still believe in fascism.

#americanfascists #conservatives #fuentes #kanye #Trump

Last updated 2 years ago