For those looking for more info on Robert #Oppenheimer (but who don’t want to read the amazing but long biography #AmericanPrometheus), the Criterion Channel has made the 1981 documentary “The Day After #Trinity” available for free - no subscription required - thru the end of July. Contains interviews with many of the MP physicists!
#trinity #americanprometheus #oppenheimer
A perspective little seen in main stream media: looking at #Oppenheimer as an opportunity to act, by an #anti-war activist. I don't agree that the film could have been told through the eyes of a scientist who opposed the bomb (Winograd doesn't refer to the source book, #AmericanPrometheus, at all). However, I'm glad for this perspective because the current #Pentagon context needs challenging. #nuclear #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #nucleararsenal
#oppenheimer #anti #americanprometheus #pentagon #nuclear #hiroshima #nagasaki #nucleararsenal
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Hello, Hollywood: It's Time for a Jean Tatlock Movie #Jezebel #californiainstituteoftechnologyfaculty #draftmaryellenwashburn #entertainmentculture #thecenturyfoundation #jrobertoppenheimer #americanprometheus #manhattanproject #barbenheimer #florencepugh #jeantatlock #oppenheimer #gretagerwig #tatlock #itstime #robert #barbie #nolan #obama
#jezebel #californiainstituteoftechnologyfaculty #draftmaryellenwashburn #entertainmentculture #thecenturyfoundation #jrobertoppenheimer #americanprometheus #ManhattanProject #barbenheimer #florencepugh #jeantatlock #Oppenheimer #gretagerwig #tatlock #itstime #robert #barbie #nolan #obama
“#AmericanPrometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert #Oppenheimer”
I didn’t intentionally finish this book on the day that the movie was released!! When you read a 700-plus page book, you finish it when you finish it. Still, pretty cool timing.
This book was amazing. Can’t wait to see the film!
#BookWyrm #Books #Bookstodon #Read #BooksofMastodon @bookstodon
#BooksofMastodon #read #bookstodon #Books #Bookwyrm #oppenheimer #americanprometheus #finishedreading
“#Oppenheimer was destroyed by a political movement characterized by rank know-nothing, anti-intellectual, xenophobic demagogues. The witch-hunters of that season are the direct ancestors of our current political actors of a certain paranoid style.” #KaiBird, author of #AmericanPrometheus
#americanprometheus #kaibird #oppenheimer
For those curious about the book that is the basis for the new #Oppenheimer movie, here’s a gifted article from The NY Times, about the 25 year journey that went in to writing #AmericanPrometheus. Sad that one of the authors, Martin Sherwin, died shortly after it was announced that Nolan would be directing the film.
#americanprometheus #oppenheimer
“In 1954, America’s most celebrated scientist was falsely accused and publicly humiliated, sending a warning to all scientists not to engage in the political arena as public intellectuals. This was the real tragedy of the Oppenheimer case. What happened to him damaged our ability as a society to debate honestly about scientific theory—the very foundation of our modern world” Great article by #AmericanPrometheus author
#Oppenheimer, Nullified and Vindicated
#oppenheimer #americanprometheus
@DanielleSATM I’m really looking forward to watching this on #MSNBC tonight. I’m currently reading #AmericanPrometheus and I’m really enjoying it. It’s a big book, but definitely worth it. It’s amazing to see the extent that Hoover went, for years, to try to discredit #Oppenheimer, and how he finally found an ally in Strauss, to bring it to fruition.
#oppenheimer #americanprometheus #msnbc
“We did live in a lucky time, didn’t we, to have even our critics so full of love and light?”
Sir James Chadwick writing to Robert Oppenheimer Jan 1967 a month before Oppenheimer’s death from cancer.
American Prometheus
#AmericanPrometheus #bookstodon #oppenheimer
#oppenheimer #bookstodon #americanprometheus
Men as different as McCloy, Rabi and Oppenheimer all thought Truman’s instincts, particularly in the field of atomic diplomacy, were neither measured nor sound—and sadly, certainly were not up to the challenge the country and the world now faced.”
American Prometheus
Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin
#AmericanPrometheus #RobertOppenheimer #presidentTruman
#presidenttruman #RobertOppenheimer #americanprometheus
“The idea was dropped, but only because there seemed no efficient way to poison large numbers of the enemy population.”
American Prometheus
Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin
#AmericanPrometheus #RobertOppenheimer #wwii #americanHistory
#americanhistory #wwii #RobertOppenheimer #americanprometheus
American Prometheus
Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin
It’s still there! That’s great.. 615 Sacramento --or 628 now
#AmericanPrometheus #RobertOppenheimer #bookstodon
#bookstodon #RobertOppenheimer #americanprometheus
Isidor Rabi on his friendship with Robert Oppenheimer: “We felt a certain kinship,” Rabi said. It was that rare brand of friendship, forged in youth, that survives long separations. “You start off,” Rabi recalled, “just where you left off.”
American Prometheus
Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin
#americanPrometheus #bookstodon #RobertOppenheimer
#RobertOppenheimer #bookstodon #americanprometheus
“The laboring classes, [..] deserved “just remuneration, constant employment, and social dignity.” The labor movement [..] “is an ethical movement, and I am with it, heart and soul.”
-Felix Adler, 1890s
American Prometheus
Kai Bird & Martin J. Sherwin
#AmericanPrometheus #bookstodon
#bookstodon #americanprometheus