Today in #Connecticut History, September 6: A Revolutionary War Traitor Comes Home . . . to Watch His Country Burn
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #battleofgrotonheights #benedictarnold #connecticuthistory #fortgriswold #groton #militaryhistory #monuments #newlondon #revolutionandthenewnation #september
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #battleofgrotonheights #benedictarnold #connecticuthistory #fortgriswold #groton #militaryhistory #monuments #newlondon #revolutionandthenewnation #september
A bit of #history from the #americanrevolution. A cannonball (recovered underwater) from the Battle of Valcour (oct 1776), I believe fired from the HSM Inflexible. #NavalHistory
#NavalHistory #americanrevolution #history
Today in #Connecticut History, September 3: Marquis de Lafayette Returns to Connecticut on a “Last Man” Tour of America.
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#19thcentury #americanrevolution #connecticuthistory #jamesmonroe #marquisdelafayette #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #september #stafford #staffordsprings
#connecticut #19thcentury #americanrevolution #connecticuthistory #jamesmonroe #marquisdelafayette #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #september #stafford #staffordsprings
Today in #Connecticut History, August 28: Future Founding Father Becomes a Husband in Fairfield
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #august #connecticuthistory #dorothyquincy #fairfield #johnhancock #lexingtonandconcord #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #thaddeusburr
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #august #connecticuthistory #dorothyquincy #fairfield #johnhancock #lexingtonandconcord #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #thaddeusburr
The Story Behind a Forgotten Symbol of the #AmericanRevolution: The Liberty Tree. While #Boston landmarks like the Old North Church still stand, the Liberty Tree, gone for nearly 250 years, has been lost to history | Smithsonian Magazine
Decent backgrounder for general audience, tho this framing strikes me as a bit odd: sure, tree is gone, but phenomenon remains well known & was in fact depicted on the reverse of the first US Bicentennial medal
"OTD 1765, the British official charged with administering the hated #StampAct was hung in effigy from an elm tree near Boston Common. ...Over the next weeks, the great elm emerged as the place in Boston for protest meetings. People of all classes — including unskilled laborers, #enslaved people, & #women, who were normally excluded from official town meetings — flocked to the "Liberty Tree" to post notices, hear speeches, & hold outdoor meetings."
#stampact #enslaved #women #americanrevolution
Today in #Connecticut History, August 3: Delegates To a Congress of Future Revolutionaries.
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #august #Bostonteaparty #coerciveacts #connecticuthistory #eliphaletdyer #firstcontinentalcongress #intolerableacts #rogersherman #silasdeane #wethersfield #windham
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #august #bostonteaparty #coerciveacts #connecticuthistory #eliphaletdyer #firstcontinentalcongress #intolerableacts #rogersherman #silasdeane #wethersfield #windham
I know #Outlander is #fantasy fiction, but now they've gone too far. Benedict Arnold drunk at the Battle of Saratoga? Dan Morgan, famous sharpshooter, hunter, and backwoodsman, wearing all white?!
#FashionFauxPas #FashionHistory #1777 #USHistory #AmericanHistory #AmericanRevolution #histodons #18thC
#Outlander #fantasy #fashionfauxpas #fashionhistory #ushistory #americanhistory #americanrevolution #histodons #18thc
#OTD 1776 - General Benedict Arnold desperately requests anchors, paint and tarbrushes, spyglasses, speaking trumpets, fishnets, grape, canister & double-headed and chain shot, for America's first navy, which he is building on Lake Champlain, at Skenesboro (now Whitehall), which was then remote wilderness.
#USHistory #AmericanHistory #AmericanRevolution #histodons #vastEarlyAmerica #18thCentury #NewYork #Maritime #Diorama #Miniatures #Navy #LakeChamplain
#otd #ushistory #americanhistory #americanrevolution #histodons #vastearlyamerica #18thcentury #NewYork #maritime #diorama #miniatures #navy #lakechamplain
Today in #Connecticut History, July 21: Testing the World’s First Attack Submarine — in 1776
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #connecticutinnovations #connecticutinventors #davidbushnell #ezralee #inventionandtechnology #july #milford #militaryhistory #oldsaybrook #revolutionarywar #turtle
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #connecticutinnovations #connecticutinventors #davidbushnell #ezralee #inventionandtechnology #july #milford #militaryhistory #oldsaybrook #revolutionarywar #turtle
I guess I should use this space to talk about writing?
I've been making some progress in my #historicalfiction novel that involves officers on opposing sides of the #AmericanRevolution falling in love. I'm enjoying writing it quite a bit and can't wait to make them kiss.
#historicalfiction #americanrevolution
My review of the book Second Chance: An Alternative History, American Revolution, Military Time Travel Novel by Michael Roberts #alternatehistory #AmericanRevolution #BattleofSaratoga #bookreview #GeorgeWashington #RevolutionaryWar #timetravel #ValleyForge
#alternatehistory #americanrevolution #battleofsaratoga #BookReview #georgewashington #RevolutionaryWar #TimeTravel #valleyforge
Today in #Connecticut History, July 7: The Revolutionary War Burning and Looting of Fairfield
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #bridgeport #connecticuthistory #fairfield #georgewashington #july #militaryhistory #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #waranddefense #williamtryon
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #bridgeport #connecticuthistory #fairfield #georgewashington #july #militaryhistory #revolutionandthenewnation #revolutionarywar #waranddefense #williamtryon
Register for a free virtual event on Wednesday 19 July from the North Carolina Museum of History on The Battle of Moores Creek. The battle’s outcome was the result of many twists & turns, any of which could have gone the other way. Historian Bert Dunkerly will discuss the battle, its significance, & its importance in NC’s history.
#NorthCarolina #History #AmericanRevolution #FamilyHistory
@geneadons @genealogy
#northcarolina #history #americanrevolution #familyhistory
Happy 4th of July to my American friends who celebrate. Two g..uncles of mine emigrated from Hawick in Scotland to America and fought for American independence against the British. I need to look more into their history ... #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #ScottishHistory #Hawick #ScottishBorders #Scotland #4thofJuly #IndependenceDay #AmericanRevolutionaryWar #USA #America #AmericanRevolution
#americanrevolution #america #usa #AmericanRevolutionaryWar #independenceday #4thofjuly #scotland #ScottishBorders #hawick #ScottishHistory #familyhistory #genealogy
So! Can we all take note in Scotland, for the #americanrevolution #independenceday #scottishindependence
In Your Pants Day..
#scottishindependence #independenceday #americanrevolution
Today in #Connecticut History, July 3: Pennsylvania Loyalists Kill 300 Connecticut Patriots in Revolutionary Land Dispute
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #charterof1662 #connecticuthistory #july #loyalists #outmigration #PennamiteWars #susquehannacompany #westwardexplansion #Wyomingmassacre
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #charterof1662 #connecticuthistory #july #loyalists #outmigration #pennamitewars #susquehannacompany #westwardexplansion #wyomingmassacre
Three hours of #AmericanRevolution #history narrated by the late Edward Hermann.
Museum of the #AmericanRevolution & #Marriott : Don’t host #MomsforLiberty!
#hategroup #bigotry #prejudice
#americanrevolution #marriott #momsforliberty #hategroup #bigotry #prejudice
@legalquilts @nancylwayne @signerinkbeast I'm not sure if it was still that way during the #CivilWar but during the #AmericanRevolution they often used lead musket balls as pencils.