New video, in which I convalesce HARD. I hear that's how to best recover from surgery.
If you like this video, may I recommend Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 prequel. It's pretty good.
#vlog #tonyhightower #paris #parisvlog #youtube #american #americansinparis #valentines #valentinesday
#vlog #tonyhightower #paris #parisvlog #youtube #american #americansinparis #valentines #valentinesday
New video, in which I compare French health care to American health care.
It seems like a complicated issue, sure, but I cover everything in 4 minutes. Enjoy!
#vlog #paris #nyc #american #healthcare #americansinparis
Man, if you like the purity of blank walls, you're gonna love, and then hate, this week's video.
#paris #americansinparis #vlog #art #home #humphreybogart #laurenbacall
#paris #americansinparis #vlog #art #home #humphreybogart #laurenbacall
Okay, new video, in which I compare my Paris apartment to my NYC apartment.
I'm sure it's 100% comprehensive, and there will never be a need for a sequel.
#Paris #nyc #newyork #vlog #video #romyschneider #architecture #iran #apartment #americansinparis
#paris #nyc #newyork #vlog #video #romyschneider #architecture #iran #apartment #americansinparis
I made my first vdeo as a Parisian, and it's both a meditation about the benefits of making a huge change in your life, and also the world's worst unboxing video.
#Newvideo #video #vlog #Paris #nyc #americansinparis #scooters #youtube
#newvideo #video #vlog #paris #nyc #americansinparis #scooters #youtube