#Amethyst is a type of #quartz, crystalline #silicon dioxide (#SiO2), which contains inclusions of #iron on the #crystal.
This #MacroPhotograph of an amethyst specimen shows the seemingly-chaotic crystal growth.
#Macro, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo, #Mineral, #SiliconDioxide, #AmethystCrystal
Buy a print: https://heronfox.pixels.com/featured/amethyst-specimen-1-heron-and-fox.html
#amethyst #quartz #silicon #sio2 #iron #crystal #macrophotograph #macro #photograph #photography #photo #mineral #silicondioxide #amethystcrystal
A macro #photograph of the place where a purple #amethyst #crystal meets its #rock matrix.
Amethyst is a type of #quartz (#SiliconDioxide) that has been tinted purple by #inclusions of #iron or #IronOxide on the crystal.
#MacroPhotography, #MacroPhotography, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo, #AmethystCrystal, #QuartzCrystal, #Mineral, #Rock
#photograph #amethyst #crystal #rock #quartz #silicondioxide #inclusions #iron #ironoxide #macrophotography #photography #photo #amethystcrystal #quartzcrystal #mineral