Chantal était une élue formidablement investie, très assidue à la commission éducation #amf que je présidais. Sa sympathie, son analyse et son engagement étaient unanimement salués. Mes pensées très attristées vont à sa famille et ses collègues. #PhilippeLaurent
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Philippe LAURENT: Élue à #Sceaux depuis 1995 et Premier adjoint depuis 2001, Chantal Brault tenait une place importante dans notre vie municipale par sa présence forte, attentive et exigeante.
Elle était aussi une grande amie, fidèle et loyale. ⤵️
French Regulator Revises Crypto Rules to Align With EU’s MiCA Law - France’s financial market regulator said it’s adjusting the rules for crypto compa... - #enhancedregistration #serviceproviders #cryptoservices #digitalassets #cryptoassets #registration #requirements #regulations #regulation #custodians #exchanges #regulator #crypto #france #french #rules #mica #amf #eu
#eu #amf #mica #rules #french #france #crypto #regulator #exchanges #custodians #regulation #regulations #requirements #registration #cryptoassets #digitalassets #cryptoservices #serviceproviders #enhancedregistration
Crypto Custodian Hex Trust Expands European Foray With Registration in France - The registration, which follows last year's approval in Italy, is "a significant mileston... - #custodian #hextrust #policy #france #news #mica #amf
#amf #mica #news #france #policy #hextrust #custodian
Societe Generale #Forge, the blockchain unit of the investment bank, obtained France's first digital asset service provider license under new crypto rules.
The license will enable Forge to meet demand from institutional clients for digital assets, Forge Chief Executive Officer Jean-Marc Stenger said in a statement Wednesday.
The license allows Forge to act as custodian for digital assets, arrange the purchase and sale of digital assets using legal tender, trade digital assets for other digital assets and receive and transmit third-party orders for digital assets.
#SocieteGenerale #Blockchain #CryptoRules #DigitalAssets #InvestmentBank #DASP #AMF #CryptoRegulation #Custodian #Forge #InstitutionalClients #MiCA #EU #crypto #Fintech #FinancialServices
#forge #societegenerale #blockchain #cryptorules #digitalassets #investmentbank #dasp #amf #Cryptoregulation #custodian #institutionalclients #MiCA #eu #Crypto #fintech #FinancialServices
Societe Generale Becomes First Company to Win French Crypto License - SG Forge is licensed to provide buying and selling, exchange and custody of digital asset... - #sociétégénérale #licensing #policy #france #news #amf
#amf #news #france #policy #licensing #sociétégénérale
Quel réconfort de voir à Clamart ce midi et à Châtillon ce soir, tant de nos concitoyens rassemblés autour de leurs élus pour défendre les valeurs de la République et la paix civile !
#AMF #haylesroses
🔹Présent place du Capitole à Toulouse en réponse à l'appel du président de l'Association des maires de France David Lisnard
#AMF #Toulouse #Lhaÿlesroses
This was us at 7AM for the legendary sunrise sermon.
You can get more info on the festival at
#friendship #amf #betterbelizeit
More info on the festival at
#friendship #amf #betterbelizeit
France's Markets Regulator Backs Global Rules for DeFi - The AMF wants industry stakeholders to contribute to a discussion about its views on supe... - #regulations #policy #france #iosco #news #defi #amf #dao #fsb
#fsb #dao #amf #defi #news #iosco #france #policy #regulations
Crypto Exchange OKX Targets France as Regional Hub With Plan to Hire 100 People - OKX has applied for a Digital Asset Service Provider license to join dozens of companies ... - #regulators #licensing #finance #france #news #okx #amf
#amf #okx #news #france #finance #licensing #regulators
Werkzaamheden vanochtend op station Amersfoort Centraal. Er rijden veel minder treinen. #Amf
Frankreich erwägt Schnellverfahren für Registrierung von Krypto-Firmen: Unkomplizierter Übergang zu MiCA #MarketsinCrypto-Assets #EuropäischeUnion #Regulierung #Frankreich #Europa #MiCA #AMF #EU
#Marketsincrypto #europaischeunion #Regulierung #Frankreich #Europa #MiCA #amf #EU
France mulls fast-tracking registered crypto firms to new EU rules - France's financial regulator is weighing up “fast track” options ... - #francefinancialmarketsauthority #marketsincrypto-assets #mica #amf
#amf #mica #marketsincrypto #francefinancialmarketsauthority
French Regulator Floats 'Fast-Track' Registration for Incumbents as MiCA Rules Bed in - EU countries are making the transition to a tough new crypto regime set by Brussels. - #regulations #policy #france #news #mica #amf #eu
#eu #amf #mica #news #france #policy #regulations
:ablobthinking: Un investisseur trop chanceux pour être honnête ?
Le gendarme de la Bourse enquête sur un homme d'affaires qui a réalisé d’importantes plus-values sur plusieurs entreprises après des annonces importantes concernant Atos, Tiffany ou encore Ingenico. Il est soupçonné de délit d'initiés.
🇫🇷🇪🇺 "Un niveau jamais vu" : la hausse des démissions d'élus locaux inquiète 📰
#revuedepresse #france #DavidLisnard #lr #amf
French Regulator Working to Clarify New Crypto Rules, Align With EU - Don’t tar all crypto with the FTX brush, the head of the Financial Market Authority told ... - #regulations #policy #france #news #amf
#amf #news #france #policy #regulations
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), Market infrastructures on blockchain: Application of the EU DLT Pilot Regime from March 23rd, February 23, 2023
— Available here:
#cryptoassets #digitalassets #cryptocurrencies #virtualassets #stablecoins #digitalsecurities #distributedledger #DLT #smartcontracts #tokenization #DeFi #regulation #supervision #France #AMF #ACPR #BanquedeFrance #centralbanks #marketinfrastructures #securities #investmentfirms #blockchain
#BlockChain #investmentfirms #securities #marketinfrastructures #centralbanks #banquedefrance #acpr #amf #France #supervision #regulation #defi #tokenization #smartcontracts #DLT #distributedledger #digitalsecurities #stablecoins #virtualassets #cryptocurrencies #digitalassets #cryptoassets