Harry Trumbore’s assignment to illustrate about 50 hairy hominids for Coleman and Huyghe’s “Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide” is unenviable — nevertheless he did great with the material he was given! This giant fella is part of the #MarkAHalliverse (not a co-author?!?!) and depicts an Am Fear Liath Mòr as a SUPER-supersized Gigantipithecus… in this canon these “True Giants” are convergently quite human-like.
#markahalliverse #cryptid #cryptozoology #bigfoot #amfearliathmor
The dream was definitely inspired by the #AmFearLiathMòr / #BreninLlwyd entry from Coleman and Huyghe’s Field Guide as well as Mark A. Hall’s super #TrueGiant . Unlike modern #cryptids these authors view such entities as regular old flesh and blood animals. How they could possibly remain as #HiddenAnimals in an otherwise rational universe is truly mind-boggling. Hall at least thought there was a conspiracy of silence for inexplicable reasons.
#amfearliathmor #breninllwyd #truegiant #Cryptids #hiddenanimals #cryptozoology