#BBCNews - Why #Ethiopia 's #Amhara militiamen are battling the army
#BBCNews - #Ethiopia #Amhara: Air strike kills at least 26 people in Finote Selam
Nothing on #Amhara here, so I'll start: The Amhara are the biggest ethnic group in #Ethiopia, they number 20 Mio + ppl. And as all the other regions they have the constitutional right to set up real armies of their own – a right, #Abiy wants to take from them, as he said in April. During research in Ethiopia in the first year of #Abiy in power there were reports about skirmishes and many deaths in almost all regions. 1/2
"#Ethiopia: nonostante la tregua, autorità locali e le forze #Amhara hanno continuato una campagna di pulizia etnica contro i tigrini."
#Tigray #HumanRights #Pace #Peace #NOwar #1giugno
#ethiopia #amhara #Tigray #humanrights #pace #peace #nowar #1giugno
‼️Etiopia 🇪🇹 Continuano le atrocità nel #Tigrai occidentale‼️
Un testimone oculare dal #WestTigray afferma che le forze di invasione #Amhara stanno ancora uccidendo civili e saccheggiando proprietà. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A59xKoFI0IY
#Etiopia 🇪🇹
#ICRC Etiopia ha espresso le sue preoccupazioni "sui recenti attacchi alle ambulanze e al personale sanitario che hanno evacuato pazienti affetti da condizioni mediche pericolose di vita nella regione #Amhara. ”
"Sanitari, ambulanze e ospedali non sono un bersaglio e devono essere rispettati e protetti in ogni momento", ha affermato l'ICR Etiopia.
Two staff members of Catholic Relief Services shot and killed in the #Amhara region of #Ethiopia. https://www.crs.org/media-center/news-release/catholic-relief-services-mourns-loss-two-staff-killed-ethiopia
🚨 Ethiopia 🇪🇹
Witness says #Amhara Forces are working to change the demography of Western #Tigray
Etiopia 🇪🇹
Le forze amhara si filmano bruciando le proprietà dell'etnia #oromo
RT @Yonigussie@twitter.com
Amhara Forces Film Themselves Burning Properties of Ethnic Oromos
BREAKING: #Amhara forces filmed themselves burning civilian properties belonging to ethnic #Oromo|s in Wollo. They are heard shouting: "it's the property of the Gallas (a derogatory term for Oromos), light it up!"
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Yonigussie/status/1617844033585569792
RT @temesgen_kahsay@twitter.com
With #Ethiopia still denying access to the media, the @_AfricanUnion@twitter.com monitoring team nowhere near to observe , the #TPLF gone AWOL, and intermittent telephone services, it is difficult to verify and confirm the news about the withdrawal of #Amhara forces from #Tigray. https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1613908208829239297
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/temesgen_kahsay/status/1613931467670708224
#Tigray #amhara #Tplf #ethiopia
The #Tigrayan rebels have also been demanding the withdrawal of #Eritrean soldiers which has not yet happened. A disputed area in the west of #Tigray claimed by both regions and currently under #Amhara control is expected to continue to be a destabilising factor.
(According to estimates hundreds of thousands people died in the two years long war)
#tigrayan #eritrean #Tigray #amhara #ethiopia
The military in #Ethiopia says members of the #Amhara special forces have started withdrawing from #Tigray, in line with a peace agreement that ended a two year civil war. The troops from Amhara had helped the government in its fight against #Tigrayan rebels. The defence ministry said a send-off ceremony was held as they left the city of #Shire. Earlier this week fighters from Tigray began handing over their heavy weapons in line with November's peace agreement.
#ethiopia #amhara #Tigray #tigrayan #shire
RT @TigrayPrevail21@twitter.com
End the human sufferings in #Tigray.
End the #TigraySiege.
End the manufactured starvation of millions in Tigray.
End the killing spree by #Eritrea|n & #Amhara forces in ~70% Tigray.
#FreeTigray from the🇪🇹n,🇪🇷n & Amhara genocidal forces for sustainable peace.
#TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/yaredinho_r9/status/1611746378153136129
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TigrayPrevail21/status/1611925369892007936
#Tigray #TigraySiege #eritrea #amhara #FreeTigray #TigrayGenocide
RT @AAA_Amhara@twitter.com
.@AbiyAhmedAli@twitter.com & Prosperity Party are pressuring #Amhara to accept a backdoor deal made with #TPLF on Welkait, Tegede, Setit Humera, Telemt and Raya without Amhara representation. Obscure backdoor deals and impunity are not pathways for lasting peace & stability in #Ethiopia.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AAA_Amhara/status/1610034884420186112
said foreign forces and militias from #Amhara must leave #Tigray. It is not clear if a total #withdrawal of #Eritrean troops is taking place. According to the agreement, #Tigrayan forces are meant to be disarming. In a sign of progress since the deal was signed almost two months ago, the #Addis Ababa government has restored phone services to parts of Tigray and resumed commercial #flights. #Ethiopia
#amhara #Tigray #withdrawal #eritrean #tigrayan #addis #flights #ethiopia
RT @FocusonafricaIt@twitter.com
L’accordo di pace tra governo federale dell’#Etiopia e il partito #TPLF, rappresentante il #Tigray, passa ai tavoli operativi a quasi 2 anni esatti dallo scoppio della guerra genocida che ha coinvolto anche le regioni #Amhara e #Afar. Di @davide_tommasin@twitter.com https://www.focusonafrica.info/etiopia-secondo-incontro-per-la-pace-in-tigray-tra-le-alte-cariche-militari-etiopi-e-tigrine/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FocusonafricaIt/status/1591130307368976392
#Afar #amhara #Tigray #Tplf #etiopia
Etiopia 🇪🇹
‼️BBC Fact Check conferma il massacro di uomini #Oromo a #Kemisse, regione #Amhara, da parte di militari governativi dell'#ENDF, truppe speciali amhara e milizia Fano.
cc: @FocusonafricaIt@twitter.com @AntonellaNapoli@twitter.com @TigrayItalia@twitter.com @cotoelgyes2@twitter.com https://www.bbc.com/news/av/63515162
RT @Sanyiikoo_Oromo@twitter.com
A renewed attack by #Amhara militants aka #Fanno on civilians in Jardega Jarte, Horro Guduru Zone has left more than 50 dead & 1000s displaced. Attackers are said to be supported & dispatched by #Ethiopia’s gov’t under the pretext of fighting #OLA.
@hrw@twitter.com @BBCAfrica@twitter.com @ReutersAfrica@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sanyiikoo_Oromo/status/1573759425042595840
#Italy🇮🇹 approves €9MLN to respond to most urgent needs in #Eth 🇪🇹
The program will be implemented in #Tigray, “as soon as the situation allows”, in #Amhara & #Afar regions.
People don't eat money, basic services need to be reactivated in Tigray.
#ReconnectTigray #EndTigraySiege
#EndTigraySiege #ReconnectTigray #Afar #amhara #Tigray #eth #italy