Law Professors Blast SEC’s Concept of Investment Contract in Amicus Brief - Six professors of law have issued an amicus brief in favor of Coinbase, blasting t... - #u.s.securitiesandexchangecommission(sec) #stephenm.bainbridge #investmentcontract #lawrencehamermesh #jonathanr.macey #m.toddhenderson #seanj.griffith #tamarfrankel #amicusbrief #coinbase #news
#news #coinbase #amicusbrief #tamarfrankel #seanj #m #jonathanr #lawrencehamermesh #investmentcontract #stephenm #u
Crypto lobbyists still fighting to axe 'unlawful' Tornado Cash sanctions - The crypto industry advocacy group has placed its support behind ... - #blockchainassociation #courtcoincenter #amicusbrief #tornadocash #cryptomixer #sanctions #treasury #ofac #us
#us #ofac #treasury #sanctions #cryptomixer #tornadocash #amicusbrief #courtcoincenter #blockchainassociation
Coinbase wins $470K restitution in insider trading case - The brother of a former Coinbase employee allegedly profited from... - #insidertrading #sameerramani #amicusbrief #restitution #nikhilwahi #paulgrewal #forfeiture #ishanwahi #howeytest #fraud
#fraud #howeytest #ishanwahi #forfeiture #paulgrewal #nikhilwahi #Restitution #amicusbrief #sameerramani #insidertrading
I didn't know what a Brandeis brief is. Good point #patent #SupremenCourt #amicus
#patent #supremencourt #amicus #amicusbrief
"Should it be a #FederalCrime to encourage an #UndocumentedImmigrant to remain in the country? In a friend of the court brief filed today with the U.S. Supreme Court, we argue that such a prohibition is facially unconstitutional on #FirstAmendment grounds that it would sweep up and prohibit constitutionally protected speech."
#federalcrime #undocumentedimmigrant #FirstAmendment #SCOTUS #freespeech #immigration #amicusbrief
Trade group accuses SEC of ‘stealthy’ overreach in Coinbase insider trading case - The Chamber of Digital Commerce has accused the SEC of trying to ... - #blockchainassociation #insidertrading #perianneboring #amicuscuriae #supremecourt #amicusbrief #lewiscohen #securities #authority #overreach #howey #wahi
#wahi #howey #overreach #authority #securities #lewiscohen #amicusbrief #supremecourt #amicuscuriae #perianneboring #insidertrading #blockchainassociation
Reddit along with a group of subreddit moderators have filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of Section 230 for the upcoming Gonzalez v. Google case. It argues that Section 230 protects Reddit's unique community-based content moderation system as well as the platform's users.
#Reddit #SCOTUS #Section230 #GonzalezvGoogle #Amicus #AmicusBrief #Brief #Moderator #Moderation #ContentModeration #Algorithm
#reddit #scotus #section230 #gonzalezvgoogle #amicus #amicusbrief #brief #moderator #moderation #contentmoderation #algorithm
WN partner Chauncey Wood co-authored an #AmicusBrief explaining that reasonable suspicion is not a free pass to racially profile people. Some police and prosecutors do not grasp this concept. But courts should.
We're dedicated to protecting #students from discrimination, like *really, really* dedicated.
Here's an informal shot of our #legal team working diligently on an #AmicusBrief for a #TitleIX sports equality case that's headed to the 9th Circuit. This is a moment of brilliance; these conversations result in disrupting the status quo and banish inequities that harm students.
If you're really invested and want to nerd out, you'll read the image description 😏
#students #legal #amicusbrief #titleix
Coinbase Files Amicus Brief in Ripple Case After Getting Go-Ahead from Judge Torres - Coinbase, the biggest U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange, has officially ... - #zzzeditorspicks #amicusbrief #judgetorres #marketnews #zz_popular #zzznative #zz_index #coinbase #xrp(xrp) #zz_top #ripple
#ripple #zz_top #xrp #coinbase #zz_index #zzznative #zz_popular #marketnews #judgetorres #amicusbrief #zzzeditorspicks
LOL #AmicusBrief
The Onion went on a tear in the last 12 hours and then this happened
Ripple verzeichnet inzwischen 12 Unterstützer im SEC-Verfahren um XRP #Kryptowährungen #SECRegulierung #Börsenaufsicht #amicusbrief #Verfahren #Gericht #Ripple #XRP
#Kryptowährungen #SECRegulierung #Börsenaufsicht #amicusbrief #Verfahren #Gericht #Ripple #XRP
You have our swords: 12 independent entities pledge legal support for Ripple
#SECregulation #amicusbrief #Ripple #court #XRP
#secregulation #amicusbrief #ripple #court #xrp
You have our swords: 12 independent entities pledge legal support for Ripple - The evidence is mounting as “friends of the court” line up in sup... - #secregulation #amicusbrief #ripple #court #xrp
#xrp #court #ripple #amicusbrief #secregulation
Coinbase seeks to join Ripple’s legal fight against the SEC
#unregisteredsecurities #securitieslaws #legaldocuments #unitedstates #legalbattle #graygensler #amicusbrief #ripplelabs #cryptolaws #ripplevsec #courtcase #coinbase #ripple #sec #xrp
#UnregisteredSecurities #securitieslaws #legaldocuments #unitedstates #legalbattle #graygensler #amicusbrief #RippleLabs #cryptolaws #ripplevsec #courtcase #coinbase #ripple #sec #xrp