Made a video about the history of Amigaos. #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4
Just about to buy #MorphOS for my iBook G4, I’m going to see how useable it is in the modern era.. maybe I’ll see my gaming PC for PowerMac G5 and run amiga every day lmao. Everything I do now either runs online or I just use my phone, I don’t game on the PC at all anymore.
The real dream would be to run #amigaos4 on an AmigaOne system, but ain’t no way I am spending 2.5k on a dead end system :-(
iGame - eine MUI-basierte OberflÀche zum Verwalten von WHDLoad-Spielen - ist in Version 2.3.1 für Amiga OS3, Amiga OS4 und MorphOS erschienen.
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #amigaworld #morphos #whdload #igame #gaming #software
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #amigaworld #morphos #whdload #igame #gaming #software
AmiSSL 5.7 für Amiga OS3 und Amiga OS4 veröffentlicht
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #amigaworld #amissl #openssl #ssl #encryption #internet #software #retro
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #amigaworld #amissl #openssl #SSL #encryption #Internet #software #retro
iGame - eine MUI-basierte Oberfläche zum Verwalten von WHDLoad-Spielen - in Version 2.2.1 für Amiga OS3, Amiga OS4 und MorphOS erschienen.
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #amigaworld #morphos #whdload #igame #gaming #software
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #amigaworld #morphos #whdload #igame #gaming #software
Earlier today I released LiteXL v2.1.1r1 for all the #AmigaOS4 and #MorphOS developers out there.
Please read what changed at or gemini://
If you find my work useful, please share it with others #amiga #development
#amigaos4 #morphos #amiga #development
2022 was a quite busy and fascinating year for me. I did a recap of my work for the #Amiga community, which you can read at #amigaos4 #development #morphos
#amiga #amigaos4 #development #morphos
Yesterday we reached one of our first milestones in the #WebKit port to #AmigaOS4. We managed to have the JavaScriptCore library compile and pass most of the API tests. This is a great achievement after a lot of work and learning. More info at
I just released the port of a game name BreakHack for #amigaos4 developed by Linus Probert. A great rogue-like game for having fun and a good time on your breaks from anything else. Find more info at
Das Open Hardware PowerPC Notebook - basierend auf der T2080 CPU von NXP - macht Fortschritte. Die ersten 3 Prototypen sind fertig und werden nun ausgiebig getestet.
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaworld #amigaos4 #os4welt #powerpc #notebook #openhardware
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaworld #amigaos4 #os4welt #powerpc #notebook #openhardware
Das Sam460LE Mainboard von ACube - die Produktion hat begonnen und zeigt uns das fertige Design
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaworld #amigaos4 #os4welt #sam460le #powerpc #acube
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaworld #amigaos4 #os4welt #sam460le #powerpc #acube
RT @gsokianos
If you are one of my Benefactor supporters at my page, then a new gift is waiting for you at This is still WIP but good enough to have a great time exploring the space #amigaos4 #space #shooter
M.A.C.E. Tower Defense - ein klassisches Verteidigungsspiel mit einzigartigen Türmen und Gegnern - wurde für AmigaOS 4 veröffentlicht
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaos4 #tower #defense #gaming #powerpc
#powerpc #gaming #defense #tower #amigaos4 #amigaos #amiga #commodore