A new study shows that animals treated with #taurine live longer and healthier lives, and also demonstrates a link between some age-related diseases and low levels of the #aminoacid: http://go.tum.de/789131
#taurine #aminoacid #aging #longevity
Breaking Down #Proteins to Build #FoodWaste Solutions
#Aminoacid analysis helps #scientists open the door to new #food opportunities for healthier and more environmentally friendly #foodproduction.
#proteins #foodwaste #aminoacid #scientists #food #foodproduction
#Kurzgesagt - 'You Are An Impossible #Machine'
#Science #Biology #Chemistry #Probability #MolecularBiology #Cell #Cells #Protein #Proteins #Life #LivingSystems #AminoAcid #AminoAcids #DNA #ElectroMagnetism
#electromagnetism #dna #aminoacids #aminoacid #livingsystems #life #proteins #protein #cells #cell #molecularbiology #probability #chemistry #biology #science #machine #kurzgesagt
Science & Cocktails
Genetically modifying everything with John van der Oost
#ScienceAndCocktails #JohnVanDerOost #aminoAcid #Cas9 #Cas12 #CRISPRCas #crRNA #DNA #gene #mRNA #protein #replication #RNA #tRNA
#scienceandcocktails #johnvanderoost #aminoacid #cas9 #cas12 #crisprcas #crrna #dna #gene #mrna #protein #replication #rna #trna
Anton Petrov
Obscure Biochemical Paradox May Explain Why We Can't Find Alien Life
#AntonPetrov #alien #aminoAcid #CASP #folding #LevinthalsParadox #paradox #protein #rareEarthHypothesis #RuBisCO #structure
#antonpetrov #alien #aminoacid #casp #folding #levinthalsparadox #paradox #protein #rareearthhypothesis #rubisco #structure
Older adults can prevent #muscleloss by taking #AminoAcid #supplements
#supplements #aminoacid #muscleloss
Naturally elevate your mood and promote healthy sleep
#aminoacid #moodbooster #supplement #healthenefits #Healthylifestyle
#healthylifestyle #healthenefits #supplement #moodbooster #aminoacid
#BioChemistry #Biochimie "How amino acids got their names" #History #Biology #AminoAcids #AminoAcid #Names ...
#biochemistry #biochimie #history #biology #aminoacids #aminoacid #names
#BioChemistry #Biochimie "How amino acids got their names" #History #Biology #AminoAcids #AminoAcid #Names ...
#names #aminoacid #aminoacids #biology #history #biochimie #biochemistry
@ScienceDaily@newsbots.eu Nice , and could have some useful medical applications I would guess.
#'sciencedaily #chemistry #alcohol #aminoacid
#chemistry #alcohol #aminoacid
Bowled over by kilogram tub of #glycine, my favourite mood-support, sleep-support #aminoacid Friends are beautiful people. #goodthings
#glycine #aminoacid #goodthings