“Some houses are companions in themselves: the walls, the bookshelves, the very chairs and tables, have the qualities of a sympathetic mind; but Mrs Vance’s interior was as impersonal as the setting of a classic drama.”
Edith Wharton, “A Coward” (1899)
#EdithWharton #amliterature
Thanks to Vorris Nunley and Beth Widmaier Capo for reading early drafts and to the #MELUS reviewers and editors for feedback and edits. #literature #amliterature #clifi #litodon
Pregnant Possibilities in Recent #ClimateFiction by Ward, Lepucki, Lee, and Erdrich
#ClimateFiction #litodon #clifi #amliterature #literature #melus
Hey mastadonians, I am a #poet, #essayist, and #educator, and professor of #amliterature. What I've been working on recently is #spokenword #poems backed by original #music (all performed and sung by the author). I have an LP coming out in a couple of days from EATpoems that will be available at most streaming services on 11/22. Here's a taste of what I do:
I'm trying to reach past an academic audience suspicious of such work. Hope to find some co-conspirators.
#poet #Essayist #educator #amliterature #spokenword #poems #music