Almost any other matchup, I'd probably go for the arsenate, purely because arsenic-based things have such a history of being so pretty and so deadly (look into Emerald Green, or arsenic green, as a paint pigment or dye in the 1800s. Talk about A Thing!).
But listen I am just ugh enough of the head that "bird poop creates new mineral, makes science go wtf" is *funny* chaos to me. So #ammineite it is, today! #MinCup23
Mm I have been apparently Sleeping Wrong according to my neck and head (hypermobility problems 😩) so I'm slow on judging the chaos of #adamite vs #ammineite!
On the one hand, adamite is an arsenate mineral - fun, but deadly. (Also apparently a term for a certain type of nudist. 😅)
But ammineite is hella weird and neat and was the first scientifically recognized mineral of its family - and now there are Four Other ammine-based minerals, too! That's pretty chaotic, really. #MinCup23
#MinCup23 is amazing -I learn of new ideas lurking in the science jungle...
#Ammineite forms from bird guano interacting with copper minerals -weird.
Hydrogen would be a useful fuel in the post-fossil fuel economy, but it's tough to store. Ammonia can store much more hydrogen, but is dangerously toxic. What about storing ammonia as a solid compound?
Solids inspired by Ammineite to store hydrogen!
Kojima & Yamaguchi (2020)
Intl. J. Hydrogen Energy.
RT So. You must vote #ammineite and this is why:
This beautiful blue mineral forms in one weird place in Chile where bird guano reacts with a copper mineral vein. The beautiful boundary between the biosphere and the geosphere. (more)