in .
The end of 's return mini campain. , legend and recap sheet.

#2HourDungeonCrawl #shadespire #ammisdawnguard #dungeonMap #2hdc

Last updated 4 years ago

finally made it! It was not easy. If not for her Star status she would not have survived multiple OD & OOF. Even with her Star Power, she had to use all 3 vials of Healing potions she found in the treasure room.

#sologaming #shadespire #ammisdawnguard #2hdc #minis

Last updated 4 years ago


I was hoping to finish
's return mini campain with a last game of . But it's Dungeonus Interruptus for IRL reasons... :(

#sologaming #shadespire #ammisdawnguard #2HourDungeonCrawl #2hdc #minis

Last updated 4 years ago

2 games of , with .
has to die and come back from the dead, again, to finally find the last 2 shadeglass trinkets needed to obtain the method to use a certain portal from the Bargainer.
Now, all she has to do is reach and cross it again, to find her way back to base. Hopefully her mini campain will end soon with a last game of 2 Hour Dungeon Crawl.

#sologaming #shadespire #standarddeckdungeon #minis #ammisdawnguard

Last updated 4 years ago

is still trying to find her way back to her comrades through the labyrinthine mirrored city.
Ruleset used: , with .
Her goals: find shadeglass trinkets ("gems" in SDD) to pay for the help of the mysterious Bargainer ("Spell Scrolls Merchant" in SDD) & find the Exit.
The Bargainer: Minions "Mindsifter", an ugly mini but one that works here.
The "Magic Shield" here is the ghost of a Sequitor Prime.

#sologaming #shadespire #ammisdawnguard #standarddeckdungeon #minis #mageknight #stormcasteternal

Last updated 4 years ago

"I simply....awoke. Whole. Sound. With every instant of my death seared into my memory. The pain, the sight of my own body toppling backwards. All of it. Nothing dies here, mortal. Not men, not orruks, not us." (Angharad Brightshield to Seguin Reynar, in "Shadespire: The Mirrored City" (novel) by Josh Reynolds.
was left for dead during my last Perilous Tales game. I played the start of her return to base using rules.

#sologaming #shadespire #ammisdawnguard #2hoursdungeoncrawl #tabletopgaming

Last updated 4 years ago

Target practice. vs orc raiders (). Not quite ...

#ammisdawnguard #mageknight #warhammerunderworlds

Last updated 6 years ago

is finished... Except for her base, since I'm still not sure about which color for the leaves. Autumn orange for the mood or green for contrast and life?
Nothing much to say about her. "Official color scheme" with less red and gold on the weapons. Too sunny for my taste. I wanted them more "stormy". Because, you know... .

#paintingminis #ammisdawnguard #shadespire #gamesworkshop #stormcast #miniaturepainting #warhammerunderworlds #nightvault #stormsirescursebreakers

Last updated 6 years ago

WIP... That phase when they look "almost" finished but really are not. Also known as "the last 10% that take as much time as the 90 previous..."

#paintingminis #ammisdawnguard #miniaturepainting

Last updated 6 years ago