@nikathesiren @nikathesiren@mastodon.art ay, grito. Estás aprendiendo japonés #amo :pika_love: :pika_love: :pika_love: :pika_heart: :pika_heart: :pika_heart: :pok_jiggly2: :pok_jiggly2: :pok_jiggly2: :pok_teddiursa: :pok_teddiursa: :pok_teddiursa: :cine_disney_dory1: :cine_disney_stich: :noviacadaver:
Dezeen : Slime drips from the ceiling at Prada show celebrating "fluid architecture" https://www.dezeen.com/2023/06/19/slime-ceiling-prada-menswear-show-fluid-form/ #FondazionePrada #Catwalks #Fashion #Design #Milan #Prada #all #AMO
#fondazioneprada #catwalks #fashion #design #milan #prada #all #amo
And don't forget that the "i don't care about cookies" browser addon was actually bought by Avast....
#gdpr #amo #privacy #webextensions #addons #addon #extension #chrome #firefox #safari
#gdpr #amo #privacy #webextensions #addons #addon #extension #chrome #firefox #safari
@tseitr I understand your concern. I do not install any of these on my work profile for the same reason.
Otherwise, there is no way to create extensions like these without granting those permissions as being able to modify DOM on all websites require permissions to all websites.
But as this is #opensource, one thing you can try is review the source and install it from the source directly instead of from the extension stores.
#opensource #privacy #addons #firefox #browser #extension #amo
@tseitr Thats a fair warning but unfortunately #Mozilla is slapping this label on almost all #addons these days just to avoid liability. In reality they do many manual checks while the addon is being approved. I made browser extensions and Mozilla does a decent job at reviewing addons while uploading to the store. So I trust #AMO over the fully automated #Chrome extension store.
Consent-O-Matic is a browser extension that auto-responds to all the #GDPR and similar consent popups with optimal user preferences.
Unlike the extension "I don't care about cookies" which just accepts all cookies, Consent-O-Matic clicks the prompts on your behalf to reject most of the cookies. You can also choose what to accept/reject in the preferences.
Available for Firefox, Chrome and others.
I've been using this on Firefox :firefox: for quite sometime now and it works great!
Their Github page has links to official extension stores: https://github.com/cavi-au/Consent-O-Matic#introduction
#AMO link: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/consent-o-matic/
#privacy #webextensions #addons #addon #extension #chrome #firefox #safari
#gdpr #amo #privacy #webextensions #addons #addon #extension #Chrome #firefox #safari
Dezeen : "Listening to any contemporary conversation on architecture is like being indulged in a form of Orwellian Newspeak" https://www.dezeen.com/2023/02/28/reinier-de-graaf-architecture-buzzwords-archispeak-opinion/ #ReinierdeGraaf #Architecture #Opinion #all #OMA #AMO
#reinierdegraaf #architecture #opinion #all #oma #amo
Hatten wir die Kontroverse um den geplanten #Ganser-Auftritt im #AMO hier eigentlich schon?
Die Stadt redet sich mit »Kontrahierungszwang und dem Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung« raus, auch wenn andere Städte die mit antisemitischen Andeutungen gespickten Schwurbelvorträge sehr wohl verhindern können. Ich finde das armselig von meiner Heimatstadt :md:.
Was meinen die hier aktiven Lokalpolitikys? (Wenn ihr ihre Handles kennt, pingt sie gern.)
Seems like #Amo agrees w/ #Leibniz that mental causation is best understood teleologically, but disagrees w/ Leibniz by holding that mental causation can, as it were, reach out into the external world, a capacity he apparently takes as primitive.
Though he's not one of the (many) authors Amo cites (at least in the Impassivity), a good early modern source for this way of thinking about mind-world is #Arnauld.
#amo #leibniz #arnauld #philosophy #earlymodons
#lol1 #loli_ #shota #gay #boy #porn #young #cpp #pedomom #daughter #t33n #amo #incest #porn #toddler #helpfapp #kid #child #real #p3doo
#p3doo #real #child #kid #helpfapp #toddler #incest #amo #t33n #daughter #pedomom #cpp #young #porn #boy #gay #shota #loli_ #lol1
Green Leader Schreiner meets with municipal leaders in Huntsville - My Muskoka Now https://bit.ly/3DV4WzT #GPO #MikeSchreiner #AMO #OntarioGreens #OntarioMunicipalities #onpoli @ontariogreens @onpoli
#gpo #mikeschreiner #amo #ontariogreens #ontariomunicipalities #onpoli
Rubén Darío | Amo, amas
[de «Cantos de vida y esperanza. Los cisnes y otros poemas» 1905]
#RubénDarío #amo #amas #locagonia
#rubendario #amo #amas #locagonia
Dezeen : Moving ceiling and art-deco chandeliers form setting for Prada menswear show https://www.dezeen.com/2023/01/20/amo-chandeliers-prada-paris-autumn-winter-menswear/ #MilanFashionWeek #FondazionePrada #Installations #Setdesign #Catwalks #Fashion #Prada #all #AMO
#milanfashionweek #fondazioneprada #installations #setdesign #catwalks #fashion #prada #all #amo
"Amo, amas" - Rubén Darío (en "Cantos de vida y esperanza. Los cisnes y otros poemas" 1905)
#rubendario #amo #amas #frustrapoiesis #LaInutilidadDeLaPoesía
#rubendario #amo #amas #frustrapoiesis #lainutilidaddelapoesia
Ontario to audit municipal funding gap due to housing law, pledges to cover shortfall | The Star https://bit.ly/3GY3S0J #AMO #AfoordableHousing #OntarioMunicipalities #onpoli
#amo #afoordablehousing #ontariomunicipalities #onpoli
Ontario to audit municipal funding gap due to housing law, pledges to cover shortfall | The Star https://bit.ly/3GY3S0J #AMO #AfoordableHousing #OntarioMunicipalities #onpoli
#amo #afoordablehousing #ontariomunicipalities #onpoli
#Genscher, #Amo, #Führer? Neuer Versuch, einem #Frachtflughafen einen Namen zu verpassen
Zum Artikel: https://www.l-iz.de/politik/region/2022/11/genscher-amo-fuhrer-neuer-versuch-frachtflughafen-namen-verpassen-487875
#genscher #amo #fuhrer #frachtflughafen #leipzig #halle #flughafen
I still haven't figured out, when I post in #English, und wann auf #Deutsch.
For me, it's clear, that I want to reach an international audience - und nicht nur meine lokale #Dresden-"Bubble" ;)
Ankaŭ mi pepas en #Esperanto, ĉar tio estas "La #lingvo de #paco kaj #amo".
Additionally, I write in Esperanto, as it's the "Language of peace and love".
#english #deutsch #dresden #esperanto #Lingvo #paco #amo