Here's the latest Research Highlight from Journal of Cell Science:
PIPkinA helps amoebas maintain social distancing
Do you find slime molds repulsive? It's ok, Dictyostelium discoideum cells can sometimes find their own neighbors pretty repulsive, too. Richard Gomer and colleagues show that PIPkinA is required for chemorepulsion in Dictyostelium away from AprA, which stimulates cell movement away from dense colony centers. #amoebae #SlimeMolds #CellBiology
#amoebae #slimemolds #cellbiology
Service toot: if you do #NasalIrrigation please use distilled or thoroughly cooked water to avoid brain eating #amoebae. No, this is not a joke.
"We show that a clonal population of soil amoebae invading a spatially structured bacterial matrix spontaneously differentiates into subpopulations with different types of movement. This strategy determines both the rates of bacteria consumption and the effectiveness of different bacterial antipredator defenses."
Hello. I am a professor at #Clemson. My lab studies #parasitic #protozoa including African #trypanosomes and pathogenic #free-living #amoebae.
#clemson #parasitic #protozoa #trypanosomes #free #amoebae
A throrough rewiew on #nucleariids (free-living heterotrophic #amoebae #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes).
It encompases available information on their morphology, life history, cell organisation, ecology, diversity, systematics and evolution.
"On the Biology, Diversity and Evolution of Nucleariid Amoebae (Amorphea, Obazoa, Opisthokonta"
by Toni Gabaldón, Eckhard Völcker and GuifréTorruella
#nucleariids #amoebae #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Hi all, I'm an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. My lab studies the #evolution of #bacteria, especially what happens to #pathogens before they get into humans. We particularly love host-microbe interactions involving #microeukaryotes like #amoebae and other #protists.
You can learn more on our lab website
I also tend to post nature photos and advice for trainees about navigating science!
#introduction #evolution #bacteria #pathogens #microeukaryotes #amoebae #protists #noxp
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Yellow pigment keeps social #amoebae together @PNASNews