I just remembered that once, a right outside mirror on a car was an extra option one could add when purchasing a new car. #AmOld
Went for a lovely walk in the sunshine.
Decided to walk along the slipway as, despite the usual Bon Jovi signs, it was dry.
I got half way along, did the splits, and threw out the already dodgy shoulder trying to right myself.
How's your day going?
🔸Jet Set Willy
🔸Final Fantasy VII
🔸Tomb Raider
I was listening to "Box Full of Letters" by Wilco and heard the lines, “I got a lot of the your old CDs in a separate stack / Some things I might like to hear, but I guess I'll give them back."
This song was new when I was a teenager, and it got me to wondering if anything ever took the place of this courtship ritual. Teens today can't loan their favorite CDs/tapes/LPs. Do they do anything else instead?
Boosting that last toot because I legit haven't seen the anime and didn't know what the character was actually saying. #knowyermemes #amold