The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1882 followers · 2769 posts · Server

I’m sure you’ve seen one of these on the internet before. Or maybe IRL!

This is a … the largest stemmed flowering plant (an inflorescence - ie a cluster of flowers arranged on a single stalk) on earth.

It is native to the island of Sumatra in western Indonesia.

The first pic is from the , (2022).

Intriguing info:

The Amorphophallus titanum is also known as the "" because of its pungent smell when it blooms.

The odour is designed to attract carrion flies for pollination by imitating the stench of a dead animal.

Some will go through an entire life cycle in three or four years, although most (a , pictured) can be expected to live for several decades.

The titanarum stores energy in its corm, or underground stem. This energy (food) is later used to fuel the rapid growth, following a period of dormancy.

Usually takes 4–10 years or more between flowerings (ie, for a titanarum).

The corm can weigh around 70–90 kg (154–200 pounds).

While in bloom, the plant structure generates heat, more than 90 °F (32 °C)

They typically grow around 2.5m (8 feet) tall. Some grow larger.

How intriguing!

Also Wiki: and

#amorphophallustitanum #cairns #botanicgardens #queensland #australia #corpseflower #amorphophalli #titanarum #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago