The Lincoln Highway, by Amor Towles. Three young men and a child, good hearts and bad parents, in a non-inclusive society. The story is told by each character in turn, in a pleasant, neat writing that I really enjoyed. The ending felt both surprising and inevitable somehow. According to my bookclub friends, not as good as A Gentleman in Moscow, but I liked it. #TheLincolnHighway #AmorTowles #bookclub @bookstodon
#thelincolnhighway #amortowles #bookclub
I’m reading The #RulesofCivility by #AmorTowles As in #AGentlemaninMoscow, Towles is taking me on a grand tour, this time of 1938 New York and the upper echelons of the wealthy. And, like #AGentlemaninMoscow, he provides exquisite descriptions of the food served in luxury hotels: “The asparagus arrived with a touch of fanfare, presented tableside in a small copper pan. The individual spears were arranged in perfect order—each identical in length, no two overlapping. On top had been delicately scattered a mixture of buttered bread crumbs and fontina cheese which had been broiled to a crunchy, bubbling brown. The captain served the asparagus with a silver fork and spoon. Then he grated a touch of lemon peel over the plate.—Bon appétit.” #civility #classconsciousness #books #reading #food
#rulesofcivility #amortowles #agentlemaninmoscow #civility #classconsciousness #books #reading #food
@Jedigirl After years and then months of delay, I finally picked up and read A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. I can’t explain why I kept putting it aside , except that the timing wasn’t right for me. Now I finished it and am really in awe at the genius of this book. Once I started, I could not put it down. The ending shocked me at first, but as I thought about it, I realized it was the only ending that made any sense and kept faith with the Gentleman. Now I have to read it again so I can gather all the clues that lead to the only ending possible. Absolutely brilliant book.
#AGentlemaninMoscow; #AmorTowles
#agentlemaninmoscow #amortowles
I just finished the audiobook of #AmorTowles novel "A Gentleman in Mosow."
Hugely entertaining: LOL funny, deep and nuanced portrayal of a White Russian count hanging on to his life-sustaining epicureanism after being assigned to living erasure of identity: an endless "hotel arrest" and soviet reduction of circumstances as a "non-person" by the Bolsheviks. A comedy of manners realized in suspense and irony, with disquistions and vignettes revealing philosophical aesthetics adapted and maintained during historical change from Empire to the hegemony of bureaucracy.
Most highly recommended.
"How well I remember When it came as a visitor on foot And dwelt a while amongst us A melody in the semblance of a mountain cat."
first sentence of "A Gentleman in Moscow" by #AmorTowles on #isbnmaschine
@Frohmann Bitte verzeihen Sie mein Deutsch. A Gentleman in Moscow von Amor Towles ist mein aktueller Favorit und einer, zu dem ich oft zurückkehre.
#agentlemaninmoscow #amortowles
Just finished reading 'The Lincoln Highway' by #AmorTowles . Nice piece of fiction, I'll give it 4 out of 5 stars, but I liked 'A Gentleman in Moscow' better. 📚
Now on to the latest #StarTrek by #DavidMack 🖖
#amortowles #startrek #davidmack
Terminada la lectura de 'Un caballero en Moscú' de Amor Towles.
Me ha parecido una novela magistral (por cómo está escrita), sutil (por cómo desarrolla al personaje principal a lo largo de 4 décadas de su vida), inteligente (por cómo distribuye a lo largo de la narración los hechos importantes que marcan la personalidad de los personajes).
Se necesitan más personas como Aleksandr Ilich Rostov (protagonista) y menos políticos.
#LibrosRecomendados #AmorTowles #LiteraturaContemporánea #Books
#librosrecomendados #amortowles #literaturacontemporanea #books
On Twitter, I would regularly post to the FridayReads hashtag and occasionally interact with #authors, but never really found my bookish community. Here on the tusk site, I see posts about #books every day thanks to #Bookstodon and no algorithm. So, for the first time, I'm inspired to post my three favorite reads from the previous year:
The Lincoln Highway by #AmorTowles
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by #GabrielleZevin
The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower 2) by #StephenKing
#authors #books #bookstodon #amortowles #gabriellezevin #stephenking
Rather than ignore the elephant in the room, I will introduce you:
This is a red blend called A Thousand Lives, which I think quite suits my new little space w/in the fediverse. I am pairing it with one of my current reads, A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, which continues to be such a delight to read.
Tip of the day: Sip slowly & enjoy every word you read. #amreading #redwine #books #amortowles #bookstagram #BookToot #bookstodon #booksandwine #photography #fridayreads #wineoclock #wine
#amreading #redwine #books #amortowles #bookstagram #booktoot #bookstodon #booksandwine #photography #fridayreads #wineoclock #wine
I know I’m late to this particular party, but, A Gentleman In Moscow by Amor Towles is one of the best books I’ve read in years. Just, wow.
#agentlemaninmoscow #amortowles #greatreads
I saw someone else do this and seemed like a good idea for #Introductions
Things to know me by:
Any movie with #dinosaurs
#Forever by Pete Hamill
#Ghosts on CBS
#DiscoveryOfWitches Trilogy
#allylgbqt #womensrights #BLM #votingdemocrat #historicalfiction #amortowles #blakecrouch #Marvel #discoveryofwitches #ghosts #forever #dinosaurs #Introductions
I saw someone else do this and seemed like a good idea for #Introductions
Things to know me by:
Any movie with #dinosaurs
#Forever by Pete Hamill
#Ghosts on CBS
#DiscoveryOfWitches Trilogy
#allylgbqt #womensrights #BLM #votingdemocrat #historicalfiction #amortowles #blakecrouch #Marvel #discoveryofwitches #ghosts #forever #dinosaurs #Introductions
#7Books to know me General /Literary Fiction Edition
(In No Particular Order)
1. A Gentleman In Moscow, Amor Towles
2. A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry
3. Where The Crawdads Sing, Delia Owen's
4. Lily And The Octopus, Steven Rowley
5. The Saturday Night Ghost Club, by Craig Davidson
6. Five Little Indians, Michelle Good
7. The Last Thing He Told Me, Laura Dave
#AmorTowles #RohintonMistry #DeliaOwens #StevenRowley #CraigDavidson #MichelleGood #LauraDave #Bookstadon #Books #ReadersOfMastadon
#7books #amortowles #rohintonmistry #deliaowens #stevenrowley #craigdavidson #michellegood #lauradave #BookStadon #Books #readersofmastadon
An author I love to read is #AmorTowles. As far as I know his only published novels are #AGentlemanInMoscow, #RulesOfCivility and #TheLincolnHighway. They are all #goodreads.
#amortowles #agentlemaninmoscow #rulesofcivility #thelincolnhighway #goodreads
Oh, there's a #bookstodon hashtag!
Some favourite writers, authors I return to for comfort, or read greedily.
#JohnBanville (especially as #BenjaminBlack)
Shall I stop yet? Nah. 500 characters, yeay!
Reading is great, isn't it? Off to read a few more pages of Prague Nights before I turn in.
#amortowles #georgemackaybrown #WGSebald #elizabethjanehoward #ColsonWhitehead #benjaminblack #johnbanville #elizabethstrout #curtissittenfeld #HonoreDeBalzac #charlesdickens #wendellberry #emilydickinson #bookstodon