The Tyee: Should This Be Back-to-School Wear? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #TheWorldHealthOrganization #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #respiratorysyncytialvirus #ProtectOurProvinceBC #Dr.KarinaZeidler #Clarithromycin #JaclynFerreira #Amoxicillin #Dr.SusanKuo
#BCNews #TheTyee #theworldhealthorganization #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #respiratorysyncytialvirus #protectourprovincebc #Dr #clarithromycin #jaclynferreira #amoxicillin
So last week I went to a doctor with a throat infection (+LongCovid) and I was sent home as if I had a cold. Today I saw my usual doctor (she wasn't available last week), because my throat still hurts.
(Almost as if I can't beat this infection on my own because I have an underlying condition? Huh.)
So she did give me antibiotics, the type I've been asking for for six months, as it's said to have good effects on LongCovid patients.
I feel weird. Can I be happy? I can't believe it? Is this going to work? All I needed to do was get a hurty throat for ten days? Suffering for nine months, nah, no meds for you. Throat a bit red? Okelidokeli.
Amoxicillin. Started today. 🤞🤞🤞
#longcovid #longcovidtreatment #amoxicillin
Die Versorgung mit #Medikamenten für Kinder ist mittlerweile komplett absurd: Weil es die richtige Packungsgröße für Kleinkinder aktuell nicht gibt, müssen wir bald eine halbe Flasche #Amoxicillin-Saft entsorgen. 🙈🙄
Ich habe mir heute den „Spaß“ gemacht und zehn Apotheken abtelefoniert, weil mein Zahnarzt mir #Amoxicillin verschrieben hat. Keine hat das Antibiotikum da und auch keine Aussicht welches zu bekommen. Ich kann das zur Zeit noch gut aushalten, aber was ist mit Patienten, die dringend darauf angewiesen sind?
#Parenting in #Pittsburgh pro tip: CVS and Giant Eagle share a medication supplier. Rite Aid’s is different. RA has had MUCH less of a supply problem with #amoxicillin. Signed, —mom who walked into the Rite Aid (necessary, they don’t pick up the phone) after calling 8 (!!!) CVSs and said “Do you have amoxicillin? I’m about to turn into the Joker”
#parenting #pittsburgh #amoxicillin
EMA’s steering group on shortages met to discuss the progress in our response to shortages of #antibiotics containing #amoxicillin. Read the news announcement on the outcomes of the meeting 👇
RT @EMA_News: EMA’s steering group on shortages met to discuss the progress in our response to shortages of #antibiotics containing #amoxicillin. Read the news announcement on the outcomes of the meeting 👇
Wait... people are suggesting to consume stuff made for fish if they can't get something made for humans?
Is this horse paste all over again, but with fish mox instead?
So, there’s a national #amoxicillin shortage. Literally, one of the most basic tools we have to fight bacterial infections is on national shortage. Add to the long list of meds on shortage (including insulin and normal saline). What’s not on shortage?
#Europa ist von #Antibiotika-Knappheit betroffen -ua
#Amoxicillin, #Cephalosporine sind knapp: "Wir haben große Angst, denn wir haben gehört, dass die Knappheit drei oder vier Monate andauern wird", sagt Remi Salomon, #Kinderarzt am Necker-Enfants Malades Krankenhaus in Paris.
#europa #antibiotika #amoxicillin #cephalosporine #kinderarzt
#Europa ist von #Antibiotika-Knappheit betroffen -ua
#Amoxicillin, #Cephalosporine sind knapp: "Wir haben große Angst, denn wir haben gehört, dass die Knappheit drei oder vier Monate andauern wird", sagt Remi Salomon, #Kinderarzt am Necker-Enfants Malades Krankenhaus in Paris.
#kinderarzt #cephalosporine #amoxicillin #antibiotika #europa
@Markhamcorrect I had to go to seven pharmacies on Saturday afternoon to track down #Amoxicillin for my toddler - virtually had to beg the pharmacist for the last bottle.
Tooth extraction dinner tonight: mozzarella cheese sticks and #campoviejo #rioja with an #amoxicillin and #ibuprofen night cap 🥴
#campoviejo #rioja #amoxicillin #ibuprofen
Another contrived shortage which aids the depop agenda 21
#amoxicillin for children
Biden Admin FDA Adds Vital Drug to Shortages List, US Families 'Just Aren't Getting a Break'
Hospitals emergency rooms packed with children sick with #RSV as an aftermath of #amoxicillin #shortage
Hospitals emergency rooms packed with children sick with #RSV as an aftermath of #amoxicillin #shortage
‘Kind of scary’: Amoxicillin shortage has some parents panicking | The Hill
#FDA announces #shortage of the #antibiotic
#amoxicillin #antibiotic #shortage #FDA
#FDA announces #shortage of the #antibiotic
#amoxicillin #antibiotic #shortage #FDA
#FDA announces #shortage of the #antibiotic #amoxicillin
#amoxicillin #antibiotic #shortage #FDA