“I provided a copy of the report to Ms Janet Albrechtsen and Ms Elizabeth Byrne, both those names undoubtedly known to you,’’ he said.
“Each of them was sent a copy upon the express agreement by them that the copy was embargoed until the government had published it,’’ Mr Sofronoff writes.
Certainly know #Albrechtson i #TheAustralian. Not surprised at all. #ABC continues to disappoint
New detail in Lehrmann report ‘leak’
#albrechtson #theaustralian #abc #amp_tf
https://www.businessinsider.com/jane-roberts-chief-justice-wife-10-million-commissions-2023-4?amp=#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16829233155522&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com #IllegitimateSCOTUS Jane Roberts was paid more than $10 million by a host of elite law firms, a whistleblower alleges.
At least one of those firms argued a case before Chief Justice Roberts after paying his wife hundreds of thousands of dollars.
#SCOTUScorruption #ExpandTheCourt #ReformSCOTUS #SCOTUSethics
#amp_tf #IllegitimateSCOTUS #scotuscorruption #ExpandTheCourt #reformscotus #scotusethics
How can sooo much stupid be gathered into one place - it must be a Guinness Book record 🤔🙄
CPAC 2023 – live: Marjorie Taylor Greene launches into ‘pure transphobia’ and incites crowd to boo Zelensky
Right-wing conference promises speeches from GOP figures as panelists and speakers return to familiar grievances, attacks and conspiracy theories
HR Worker Shares 7 Things You Should Avoid Doing In The Workplace | YourTango
You'd be surprised by some of them.
Okay, this is hilariously stupid. #Trump is trying to claim that the Trump Organization can not be sued because they don't exist as anything more than legal shorthand.
Despite the fact that they registered as a legal organization in 1981 in New York State, and the fact that the individuals associated with the brand were also named in the lawsuit.
He's like a child.
UK labels new omicron subvariant BA.2 a 'variant under investigation'
This version of omicron was first detected in mid-November 2021.
I'm tired of being the scapegoat for urban, White America. These people have never been to rual America. They truly belive we are all racist, homophobic Luddites and they blame their failings on us.