Aug 17, 1967, an amphibious Amphicar driven down a flooded street in Fairbanks. For a brief time in the 1960s, there were Amphicar dealers in Anchorage and Fairbanks. #alaskahistory #alaska #fairbankshistory #amphicar
#alaskahistory #alaska #fairbankshistory #amphicar
Amphicar (1961)
There was a certain sinking feeling about this bizarre concept car, seemingly thought up by a drunk car designer who had watched far too many Bond films. Able to drive on land and ride on water, the Amphicar wasnât watertight and therefore only floated for as long as a pump held out or passengers could bucket the rising flood overboard. With a top speed of 7 mph when on water, consumers decided to keep their cars and boats as separate vehicles.
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Ep 134 - Salut les coprins
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#humour #politique #internet #lyon #poutine #insolite #tank #jupiter #poubelle #actualités #supermarchés #JeuxTV #amphicar