@heiglandreas I think those projects (i.e., #ReactPHP and #AMPHP) are waiting for the community to discover them and build out these solutions. It’s still very early for them. #PHP
Half of my CI jobs fail due to "Trying to connect to keys.openpgp.org" when using #Phive to download tools.
I would use #Psalm as a Composer dependency, if I could, but it depends on an older version of #AMPHP than my project uses, so I'm installing it with Phive.
But this intermittent error is frustrating me. 🤬
Starting to work on some personal projects again after taking a break to do whatever the opposite of burning out is.
Looking over a library I created for testing interactions with Amp's HTTP client. Have a project I'm gonna start working on that will actually utilize this in it's test suite. Time to see if this thing really holds up or not.
Awesome Mercure 😎, a curated list of Mercure-related libs, examples and educational resources: https://github.com/dunglas/mercure/blob/master/docs/ecosystem/awesome.md
Special shout out to @Ilshidur@twitter.com for the Node.js Hub and the @github@twitter.com Actions integration!
#golang #node #dart #python #ruby #amphp #symfony #laravel #yii
#golang #node #dart #python #ruby #amphp #symfony #laravel #yii