Why is it fa-ther, but broth-er and moth-er???
And the latter two cannot break across lines because of Chicago rules (must be at least 3 letters after hyphen). 🎶 An-noy-ing!🎶
#AmEditing #AmProofreading
#amediting #amproofreading #hyphenationrules
Hey, fellow freelance editorial peeps. Is #EditorSprint still a thing? Could it be again, once a week maybe?
No phones. No socials. Just focus for one hour. Comment with your goal beforehand, and check back in after to see how it went.
Anyone in?
#AmEditing #AmIndexing #AmProofreading @edibuddies #edibuddies #indexodon
#editorsprint #amediting #amindexing #amproofreading #Edibuddies #Indexodon
Hey, fellow freelance editorial peeps. Is #EditorSprint still a thing? Could it be again, once a week maybe?
No phones. No socials. Just focus for one hour. Comment with your goal beforehand, and check back in after to see how it went.
Anyone in?
#AmEditing #AmIndexing #AmProofreading @edibuddies #edibuddies #indexodon
#editorsprint #amediting #amindexing #amproofreading #Edibuddies #Indexodon
brewed in the debts of the secret laboratory —> brewed in the depths of the secret laboratory
I mean, if you’re a mad scientist, you must have some college debt.
#amproofreading #amediting #spellcheckcannotsaveyou #spellcheckwillnotsaveyou
Looking for editorial professionals on Mastodon?
For editors, see #AmEditing #copyediting #DevelopmentalEditing #edibuddies #editing #EditorsOfMastodon #StetWalk and @edibuddies @stetwalk.
For proofreaders, see #AmProofreading #proofreading.
For book indexers, see #AmIndexing #indexing and #indexodon.
Editors, indexers, proofreaders (ACES/CIEP/EFA/SI etc.), please say hello below. Then I’ll keep this toot pinned to help find each other. 🤓
#amediting #copyediting #developmentalediting #Edibuddies #editing #editorsofmastodon #stetwalk #amproofreading #proofreading #amindexing #indexing #Indexodon
Usually, I don’t comment on people’s typos on social media.
However, in a hair group for wavy and curly folk, someone commented on wearing “space bums” in their hair, and I thought that was one of the cutest typos ever, and I had to let them know. 🚀
#amprocrastinating #amproofreading #amediting #spellcheckcannotsaveyou #spellcheckwillnotsaveyou
One thing I've learned throughout my time as an editor and proofreader: Be wary of anything requiring perfection, and anyone promising perfection.
#Editing #AmEditing #AmProofreading #Writing #WritingCommunity #WritingTips @edibuddies
#writingtips #writingcommunity #writing #amproofreading #amediting #editing
Yes, published books will have some typos or other errors in them, but you never see the many, many more that never make it to print.
#AmEditing #AmProofreading
#Editing #Writing #WritingCommunity @edibuddies
#writingcommunity #writing #editing #amproofreading #amediting
I've been proofreading a very, very clean manuscript, so imagine my excitement when I got to flag two errors in one day!
That's not sarcasm—it's thrilling to know I've made a small contribution to an already great product. #AmProofreading
#writingcommunity #writing #amediting #editing #amproofreading
"bare relation to" ----> "bear relation to"
It's a day for homophones, apparently. #AmEditing #AmProofreading #SpellcheckCannotSaveYou
#spellcheckcannotsaveyou #amproofreading #amediting
"faired poorly" ----> "fared poorly"
#spellcheckcannotsaveyou #amproofreading #amediting
Oooh, I caught a comma that was set in small caps but should be set in roman type!
"hanger" (for clothes) ---> "hangar" (for planes)
#spellcheckcannotsaveyou #amproofreading #amediting
Apparently, "a trachea should be an authority for students". Gods help us.
The spouse walked by my computer as I was working on a proofread and said, "Oooh, you made a lot of marks on this page: a smiley face, a one-hump, a BB, and a pound sign."
Bless his little heart.
#amproofreading #amediting #editing
If Person A says a word should be capitalized, and Person B says that same word should be lowercase, the burden of proof is on Person A.
(By the way, my capitalization of “Person” is based on APA style.)
#AmEditing #AmProofreading #APAStyle #English
#english #apastyle #amproofreading #amediting
Then there's the email today from an author of a paper in a small denominational heritage society newsletter. A reader of the August 2022 issue pointed out that x church was founded in 1906, not 2006, as the photo caption said. Two proofreaders + me let that one through! #AmEditing #AmProofreading #FactChecking #Errata #Edibuddies
#amediting #amproofreading #FactChecking #Errata #Edibuddies
There's something so satisfying about using the transpose mark while proofreading. I caught a "hostler" that should've been "holster," and I did an internal squee as I drew that squiggle. #AmProofreading #AmEditing #FreelanceEditor
#freelanceeditor #amediting #amproofreading
Just recommended one of my favorite accessibility checkers to a client whose color scheme might make their words hard for their users to read. Especially tricky when it's tiny rules text on cards in a game! That this tool has an eyedropper makes me happy. Try it here: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
#Accessibility #ColorScheme #GeckoTips #ColorBlind #Contrast #UserInterface #Design #AmProofreading #TTRPG
#ttrpg #amproofreading #design #userinterface #contrast #colorblind #GeckoTips #colorscheme #accessibility
@sporks @brennen @kukkurovaca "...we don't have the phallus that guarantees the satisfaction of all our desires, we only cathect in the phallic signifier, that Everlasting Gobstopper, through which we maintain the fantasy of having the phallus for everlasting satisfaction" #amproofreading