Another Sunday, another writing date. Revisions for Sister's of the Myst are going strong. I've gotten some good ideas and this will be the first book of a trilogy I think.
#SistersoftheMyst #writingcommunity #writersofnewfoundland #yyt #amrevisingsupernatural #norsemythology
#sistersofthemyst #writingcommunity #writersofnewfoundland #yyt #amrevisingsupernatural #NorseMythology
A bit late getting out for the writing date this weekend. Adulting sucks lol. Food has been bought and a little Xmas shopping done.
I'm behind in NaNoWriMo, so I'm hoping to catch up here now. Guess what I'm working on 😉.
#amrevisingsupernatural #nanowrimo #yyt #writingcommunity #starbucks
#amrevisingsupernatural #nanowrimo #yyt #writingcommunity #starbucks
I'll be writing once "tech support" finishes with my laptop lol
#amwriting #HubbyTechSupport #nanowrimo #amrevisingsupernatural #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #writingcommunity
#amwriting #HubbyTechSupport #nanowrimo #amrevisingsupernatural #yyt #writersofnewfoundland #writingcommunity