Flying above Breckenridge in the winter is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Taken from a Southwest flight from Denver to San Diego, after #AMS2023 conference.
One week after #AMS2023, and haven't heard much about the traditional AMS sniffles. Is my feed just off, or is it because masks were actually working?
I had such a wonderful time at #AMS2023 . Thank you to everyone who made this meeting possible, and to all the wonderful presenters at the meeting (as well as friends who make Colorado such an amazing place) Here are some reflections on the trip
The media interviewed me during #AMS2023 to talk about the atmospheric rivers that are bringing havoc to California. It's in Spanish. Here is the link:
Today we recognized @allisonhunterwx on her accomplishments during her tenure as a WFO SHV Student Volunteer since the start of summer 2022. She recently presented her work to enhance mobile and manufactured home severe weather safety messaging at #AMS2023. Great work, Allie!
RT @ametsoc
We are aware of incidents that have made attendees feel unsafe or uncomfortable while in Denver. We take all concerns seriously and have been working with local officials to address them now and in the future. Report any issues to #AMS2023
NCAR #internship application deadline extended to 1/17
#computerscience #machinelearning #python #dataassimilation #coding #WomenInTech #WomenInSTEM #NCWIT #AMS2023 #LGBTSTEM #queerSTEM #BLACKandSTEM #POCinSTEM #BlackTech #climate #science
#internship #computerscience #machinelearning #python #dataassimilation #coding #womenintech #womeninstem #ncwit #ams2023 #lgbtstem #queerstem #blackandstem #pocinstem #blacktech #climate #science
I want to thank everybody that attended #AMS2023 this week and tooted about it in the Fediverse. How do we convince more of our fellow weather/climate nerds to Toot instead of tweet?
Feeling a bit lonely here on mastodon, while virtually attending the American Met Society Annual Meeting in Denver. I’ve counted some 28 toots using #AMS2023 over the last few weeks.
Meanwhile, back on the birdsite, there are that many tweets with #AMS2023 every couple of hours and, much as I hate to say it, it looks like a much better place to stay in touch with what is happening.
I’m reluctant to support the new birdsite owner, but staying away may be hurting me more than him ….
well, another good day at #AMS2023 in the books. did some stuff on Wx and the supply chain, some solar forecasting, wx lobbying, chess commentary, renewed contact with someone, made some new friends, and even saw a "bar shuffleboard match" almost as tense as a final match at either the Brier or the Scotts.
only thing I didn't get to do is some dancing. i'll take it.
Spent this week at #AMS2023. There were a lot of great people there and great things learned. Hopefully I will build up new connections going forward that will allow me to thrive!
Some of the finest forecasters in North America here at #AMS2023 in Denver, but not a single one can correctly predict when the pedestrian walk signal will appear
At this morning's #AMS2023
NASA TOPS #openscience workshop @SciencePaige
sings about open science but to ABBA. Turn up your volume and enjoy! More in-person workshops on Wed and Thur - join us!
One of our former students couldn't make it to #AMS2023 this week to present his poster, so NM State Climatologist Dave DuBois is presenting it.