Oh heck, #amspinning just one more session before bed.
My hands won't hate me in the morning.
#amspinning - got up to 2.5 hours and also oiled my #spinningwheel.
Probably, I should stop, but... *sigh*
#amspinning done some good sessions today - already up to 1.5 hours and it's only lunch here!
#amspinning have started the 3-ply chain ply, and ooh, nice!
I probably won't feel this way for long... there's a lot of thread to ply.
A lot. From 50 grams, but it's mostly v-e-r-y thin.
#amspinning or rather, *was*. Still working on another bobbing of a very thin single, which I will chain ply, hopefully beginning tomorrow. All in all, I think I got about 2 hours of spinning in, as well as boiling up 2 skeins - now that I have my bits in place, I'm getting to use the boiling treatment to set the twist.
Hmmm, I hear the call of my #spinningwheel.
I #amspinning. Well, more like plying, but that's #spinning, too.
#spinningwheel #amspinning #spinning
Ah, Shop! I am mellowing so much having returned home - I am trying to figure out if I even want #amspinning, and keep saying to myself, "Well, maybe later..."
I'm been getting some prime socialising done here, too. Thank you, all the readers and responders!
I'm still pretty wiped from that bike ride yesterday. I'm slowly recovering, but my morning has consisted a lot of #amspinning y/n? and answering with 'n'.
#amspinning a commercial roving (?) from #malabrigo, a lovely multicoloured one called Nube (which I self-deprecatingly call "noob"), color run "Whale's Road" - all purples and dark turquoises with the occasional tint of lavender or even a bit of white.
I'm spinning rather fine, with the intention of #chainplying it, just to see the result.
#amspinning #malabrigo #chainplying
A quiet #sundaymorning, #spinning for #tdf2018 with my fellow #mastospinners. #amspinning with a drop spindle, this time with a commercial wool roving, probably Merino by the feel of it.
Not sure if I'll get in as much time as yesterday - despite my best efforts to "pace" myself, my hands are letting me know, by being even warmer than the weather, that they've noticed this extra work I'm asking them to do.
#sundaymorning #spinning #tdf2018 #mastospinners #amspinning
#amspinning - my gambit to do fine threads only in 50 gram portions had been working out. As has the 30 minute max spinning sessions.
Luckily, carding wool exercises a different set of muscles, unkinking some of the ones that get stiff during the stationary spinning sessions.
*stretch* two #spinning sessions, er, no... three!!
I #amspinning a fine thread (previous skein, a 2-ply, clocked in at the equivalent of 212 m/50 grams), so it's going to take awhile longer to finish this single before #twining them together.
#spinning #amspinning #twining
#amspinning or rather, *was* - still on the fine-spun Texel-Kempen Heath cross from my friend.
Went *slightly* over my resolution to limit myself to 30 minute sessions - trying to pay attention to #bodymechanics issues like my posture during that time. But I was so close to the end of a rollag.... *chuckle*
Speaking of working on #spinning, I think I'll just slip over to the wheel and oops! #amspinning again!
#amspinning #紡いている #spinningmilestones I wound off the 100 gr of twined natural wool.
Some bits are horribly over twisted, but an amazing amount of it seems to actually be quite balanced!!
Note to self - work with 50 skeins for this thickness!
#amspinning #紡いている #spinningmilestones
#amspinning #amtwining #紡いでいる #糸をより合わせている #kbenaantspinnen #kbenaanttwijnen