Stoeptegel door de ruit en een vernielde regenboogvlag: "Het had slecht kunnen aflopen"
#Homofobie #AmsterdamNoord
Dunglish (portmanteau of Dutch and English; in Dutch steenkolenengels, literally: "coal-English", or shortened to nengels) is a popular term for an English spoken with a mixture of Dutch. - Wikipedia
#barbierferryseksie #vanderpekstraat #amsterdamnoord #Amsterdam #dunglish #language
Terwijl ik lees dat Oedipus is overgenomen door Heineken, en zij 'de buurt zo goed begrijpen' (...), lees ik en passant ook dat de 2 veel luidruchtige schreeuwmensen opleverende clubs hier een contractverlenging hebben gekregen, van 3 jaar. Omdat de bouwplannen vertraging hebben opgelopen.
Geluidsoverlast wordt niet serieus genomen door de gemeente. Als je klaagt krijg je te horen: er waren geen handhavers in de buurt, dus we kunnen het niet checken, dus weg klacht.
Grappig ook waaróm het bouwproject vertraagd is:
Albemarle, grote industrie hier, zit er al heel lang, is bang dat toekomstige bewoners gaan procederen, en dat dan Albemarle moet verhuizen op den duur.
Daardoor kunnen nu zo'n 6000 woningen nog niet gebouwd worden. En van uitstel zal wel afstel komen?
Ik snap het allemaal, maar als grote industrie niet wil verhuizen, wáár moeten mensen dan wonen?
Well, the filming needs some longstick upgrading. But.. nice views along the way:
#amsterdamnoord #walking #photography #trees #green
De eigen wandeling (20 kilometer) die Niels en ik in #AmsterdamNoord liepen op 13 mei 2023 draaide nou eens niet alleen om het lopen, maar ook om bier proeven. Lees hier meer over onze "Sportieve Bierproeverstocht":
#wandelen #wandelsport #amsterdamnoord #amsterdamnoord Maandag 12-06-2023 De foto hierboven nam ik toen we gisteren over het IJ voorbij het Centraal Station voeren, in oostelijke richting. Je ziet het Muziekgebouw met de tekst 'Holland Festival' erop, en daarnaast het BIMHuis. Links ervan ligt het cruiseschip Costa Favolosa, dat vertrok toen we er juist langs waren gevaren. 'Commerciële cruiseschepen behoren tot de grootste vervuilers van deze planeet', zo..
Een wandeling die droog begon, maar kletsnat eindigde. De Waterlandse Dorpentocht vanuit #AmsterdamNoord, 30 kilometer, gelopen op 22 april 2023. Lees er hier meer over:
#wandelen #wandelsport #amsterdam #amsterdamnoord
Good morning #walking
#neighbourhood #pigeons #AmsterdamNoord #Amsterdam #photography
#walking #neighbourhood #pigeons #amsterdamnoord #amsterdam #photography
And to finish this threadje, the Kraanspoor building, a windmill at the afvalpunt and the relief of some trees when i was almost home.
#Amsterdam #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #industry #ships #harbour
#amsterdam #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #industry #ships #harbour
I don't know what this is. I was to tired to walk closer and read the sign.
#Amsterdam #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #industry #ships #harbour
#amsterdam #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #industry #ships #harbour
Nice view from the afvalpunt
#Amsterdam #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #industry #ships #harbour
#amsterdam #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #industry #ships #harbour
Lots of ship industry ofcourse, so that a shipwreck is used to decorate a building: okay. But the name: Heintje Lawaai = Little Hein Noise?
I found, that there is a huge extraction system that produces a lot of noise, so they put it there for fun. Lots of humour in those harbours right?
Well.. if you can read Dutch, read this: it's a bit strange
#Amsterdam #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #industry #noise #ships #harbour
#amsterdam #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #industry #noise #ships #harbour
There is art as well in this area. This work of 2 rocks is by Ton Kalle, it's called 'So What' and yes, it certainly seems to radiate that.
It is situated in the Backupstraat.
Much better photos of the artwork are here, with (Dutch) information and a link to the site of the artist:
#Amsterdam #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #industry #art #rocks #ArtRocks #BackUpStreetBoys
#amsterdam #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #industry #art #rocks #artrocks #backupstreetboys
So it took 3 hrs walking to get my electrical and iron garbage to the 'garbage point' (afvalpunt), because people without cars or bikes don't seem to exist.
BUT i could take some phototooototots! (sorry to tired to type and think or first think and then type).
The afvalpunt is very far, at the Toetsenbordweg (Keyboardroad, yes). Fun part of the names in this district: 'weg' means road but also 'gone' So: Keyboard gone. So now we know why they put the afvalpunt there.
It is a large industrial area near the harbors of Amsterdam, with huge buildings of all sorts, i like to wander there, although you always must be aware of all the trucks and vans that don't expect people there.
#Amsterdam #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #industry
#amsterdam #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #industry
How many times i photographed these i don't know, still like it very much.
#thursdaytread #morningwalk #amsterdamnoord #photography
Good morning, welcome in my bubble. 🤓
#waterwalk #bubble #photography #ij #amsterdamnoord
I want to make and toot one photo a day, yesterday i made this one, near my own neighbourhood (this is the IJplein hood, i don't live here).
The colors i like very much, and it is a bit of a #ThickTrunkTuesday and a #FensterFreitag image combination.
The bluegreen building in the back is the El Mouhssininne mosque.
#thicktrunktuesday #Fensterfreitag #photography #amsterdamnoord
Brrr, some sounds as if someone's shooting outside. Let's hope it's something else.
When you look at the other side while crossing the IJ, it looks less impressive. But, of course there is a lot of interesting history and stories too.
The IJplein neighbourhood is known for the Rem Koolhaas buildings. And in the Hamerkwartier (which is about to totally changed, but it has been delayed) you can see the two golden? colored towers of the Holdiday Inn.
And quite far the plume of smoke from the Albemarle factory.
#Amsterdam #IJ #AmsterdamNoord #architecture #photography #ferry
#amsterdam #ij #amsterdamnoord #architecture #photography #ferry
Last photos of today: permanently closed manholes (i think).
Because of the shape, the worn appearance.
#photography #silentsunday #amsterdamnoord