#LiteraryTranslation puzzle: narrator being sent to stay with step-grandfather for the summer to study for exam resits. "Sechs Wochen bei dem Mann, den ich siezen musste, bis ich zehn war." Normally I'd use something involving surnames, but maybe "the man I’d had to call “sir” until I was ten"? Reflects the formality of the address but maybe not that Herr Professor doesn't treat step-family as family? Even his stepdaughter had to siezen him until recently... Any thoughts? #AmTranslating
#LiteraryTranslation #amtranslating
either the Japanese are gonna have to stop using the word イケメン or the Americans are gonna have to start. #amTranslating
Quick question for English speakers (native speakers preferred) who use hiking guides. Which is the standard (clearest, most useful ) format for directions: “Follow this path, and on your left you will see a ruin. Take the left turn beside it” or “We follow this path until we see a ruin on our left. We take the left turn etc”
I think I know but am checking my instincts. #AmTranslating #Translation #TranslationQuestions
#amtranslating #translation #translationquestions
If I can’t discover who “Atle Snaueskadle” was, I’m going to translate it as Atle the Skinhead.
@neve Good to know!
#Writephant #amwriting #amtranslating
#writephant #amwriting #amtranslating
you'd think that the worst part would be when you can't decipher the original, but really the worst part is when you understand the original perfectly well, you just have no idea how to convey that in English. #AmTranslating
had シュータ suggested as being "shooter", but the context suggests it's probably "chute"
I... I want to translate 自意識過剰 as "main character syndrome" but it's not the right fit here... #AmTranslating
Translation of the day: Recommendations for cat products by an East Friesian cat breeder. Yes, I'm translating a bunch of lifestyle articles about pets and their humans. #amtranslating
And now we've moved on to an article about an animal shelter which offers dogs with issues a second chance. #amtranslating
Translation of the day: Crafting instructions for painting cotton bags. Yes, really. #amtranslating
The thing I #amtranslating has "suggestions" that I should use. For example "engage in exploratory behaviours". WTF is wrong with "explore"??
生活環境 comes up in weblio as "living environment" which to me means 環境自体が生きているが、
生活環境 has a JP wikipedia entry and is translated in at least three laws on japaneselawtranslation.go.jp as "living environment".
"living conditions" or "environment in which we/people live" is probably a better 意訳, but for patent translations I don't think ppl will blink at a "living environment"
TFW you forget a character's gender coz Japanese doesn't use pronouns. #AmTranslating
Auf ein Neues ... Mein erster Arbeitsmontag des Jahres startet mit Sonne und ganz viel Kaffee. #xl8 #amTranslating
Translation challenge:「ながら歩きしていると危ないよ」
This one’s interesting bc it relies on a whole set of things not to do while walking: タバコを吸いながら、スマホを見ながらなど and boils them all down into ながら. But how to translate this sentence when there is no specific action attached to the ながら? #AmTranslating
Feeling extremely murderous toward the #manga artist who decided to do a sudden deep dive on horse racing in the middle of a romance story. I don't want to know about horse racing. I don't want to look up the name of every track in Japan. And yet this is what they are forcing me to do. #AmTranslating