A two-day international seminar was organised by the department of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University here at AMU on Saturday and Sunday to mark the 300th birth anniversary of renowned Urdu poet, Mir Taqi Mir.
#AMU #Mir
#AMU distributes tablets to 550 students under UP's '#SwamiVivekananda Youth Empowerment Scheme 2023'
This initiative aims to empower students pursuing higher education by providing them with digital devices.
http://toi.in/dFppBa38/a24gk #press
Sammen med mine kolleger på de andre AMU-centre har jeg i dag fået bragt dette indlæg om sammenhæng mellem #AMU & #EUD https://www.a4medier.dk/uddannelse/artikel/amu-direktoerer-byggeklodser-til-flere-faglaerte
Fremragende at holde møde på det Køretekniske Anlæg i #Fredericia og samtidig at se alle busserne 🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌er i gang med aktiv undervisning. Sidst på dagen køres busser til parkering👍 #AMU
2e billet d'une étudiante de #Master 2 Métiers des #archives et des #bibliothèques, ~#médiation de l'#histoire & humanités numériques #bulshamu #amu axe #HumanitésNumériques #digitalhumanities, Francesca Moretti, italienne en #Erasmus, a choisi de nous présenter un site de son université à #Bergamo sur l'histoire des #costumes en réfléchissant aux défis des principes #FAIR https://masterabd.hypotheses.org/9842
#master #archives #bibliotheques #Mediation #histoire #bulshamu #amu #humanitesnumeriques #digitalhumanities #Erasmus #Bergamo #costumes #fair
Billet des étudiants du #Master 2 Métiers des #archives et des #bibliothèques, ~#médiation de l'#histoire & humanités numériques #bulshamu #amu axe #HumanitésNumériques #digitalhumanities L'#EAD en archives et en bibliothèque par E Peset, L Dupuis https://masterabd.hypotheses.org/9952
#master #archives #bibliotheques #Mediation #histoire #bulshamu #amu #humanitesnumeriques #digitalhumanities #EAD
Check out our latest #CAHSS Podcast Pearls infographic on #antimicrobial #stewardship with #dairy #cattle in #Canada! Listen to this episode with Drs. Javier Sanchez & Luke Heider here: https://bit.ly/3V92X0W #AMU #AMR #podcast
#cahss #antimicrobial #stewardship #dairy #cattle #canada #amu #amr #podcast
Man kan sagtens deltage i et #onlinemøde i et fagligt forum samtidig med at man går 3 km fra #AMU-Fyn ind til det næste fysiske møde på #Odense Rådhus.
Den der kun går i andres fodspor 👣 kommer aldrig foran og derfor skal vi prøve noget nyt! AMU-Fyn har derfor i år begået en julekalender🎄 . Afsnittende bliver offentliggjort fra d. første december & lige til juleaften. #JULIAMU #AMU #VEU
Hello fellow Mastodoners! Some hashtags to introduce myself:
Live in Ohio, write about local history here: https://noel-poirier.com
#dad #historian #museums #libraries #beastieboys #biglebowski #ohiohistory #americanhistory #hannibal #genealogy #genx #iup #amu #aamer #aam
Jeg har i dag fået bragt dette debatindlæg om uddannelse til transportsektoren i nyhedsmediet A4Medier. #AMU #A4 #transport #dkpol
RT @anujajTOI@twitter.activitypub.actor
#UP: Scores of students of #AMU took out a #candlelight #march in the campus of Thursday to #protest against attack on an anti-CAA protestor by a gunman in #Jamia Millia. @timesofindia@twitter.com @parasnsingh95@twitter.com @tariq_43@twitter.com @AligarhMuslimUn@twitter.com
#Jamia #up #amu #candlelight #march #protest
RT @anujajTOI@twitter.activitypub.actor
#UP: #AMU women college students boycott exams; announce complete #lockdown from Wednesday @TOIWestUP@twitter.com @parasnsingh95@twitter.com @AMUNetwork@twitter.com @AligarhMuslimUn@twitter.com https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/up-amu-women-college-students-boycott-exams-announce-complete-lockdown-from-wednesday/articleshow/73707577.cms?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=iOSapp&utm_source=twitter.com
RT @anujajTOI@twitter.activitypub.actor
#UP: 70 #AMU students demand release of #SharjeelImam @parasnsingh95@twitter.com @AMUNetwork@twitter.com @AligarhMuslimUn@twitter.com https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/up-70-amu-students-demand-release-of-sharjeel-imam/articleshow/73708306.cms?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=iOSapp&utm_source=twitter.com
RT @anujajTOI@twitter.activitypub.actor
#UP: Scores of Students in #AMU boycotted the official Republic Day function organised by varsity administration & chose to celebrate the day at #Bab-e-Syed gate with a #flaghoisting ceremony. @timesofindia@twitter.com @parasnsingh95@twitter.com @shady2k8@twitter.com
RT @Anwar_shabab@twitter.activitypub.actor
This is a Press statement issued jointly by the students of Faculty of Law, Agriculture, Science Commerce and Life Sciences of #AMU. They have unanimously agreed to boycott classes and remaining exams with these demands.
Inspired, inspiring numbers, outrage, #solidarity actions from various parts of the country, as #India #protests galvanize against #CAA #NRC #NPR #Modi #Shah #fascism.
If we can sustain this momentum and have more and more others too stepping out in fury and disgust, this government will be rendered unsustainable.
Thousand salutes to the exceptional courage of the students of #Jamia and #AMU.✊
(Photo-grabs off Twitter.)
#npr #shah #Jamia #solidarity #india #protests #caa #fascism #CAAProtests #amu #nrc #modi
Unconditional #solidarity
Bravo! Brava!
Solidarity Statement Against Police Brutality at Jamia Millia Islamia University and Aligarh Muslim University
Please sign and share, students and faculties.
#Jamia #amu #du #jnu AllIndiaProtests
#amu #Jamia #solidarity #jnu #du