Messing around with promo material... This might make a nice T-shirt and ad design.
Only the Living Feel Remorse
#amwritinghorror #author #writingcommunity #horror
I kind of suck at the self promotion, but here goes. My debut novella: Only the Living Feel Remorse.
It features a friendship gone sour, hauntings by vengeful ghosts and a desperate man engaging in dark rituals at a horrible cost to himself and others.
#amwritinghorror #horror #author #writingcommunity
#amwritinghorror #horror #author #writingcommunity
@aethelshane #haiku #575prompt
There's no haunted house
Your sick imagination
Made all hell break loose
#amwriting #amwritinghorror #WritingCommunity #stephenking #carrie
#carrie #stephenking #writingcommunity #amwritinghorror #amwriting #spooky #575prompt #haiku
Someone basically described my book as toxic patriarchy horror... and you know what? That's actually pretty damn accurate.
Toxic masculinity runs through the book, and it's one of the core forces driving the MC to make bad choices.
#horror #amwritinghorror #writingcommunity
I'm pretty sure that writing #horror is the only place where "You make me feel sick" can be considered a compliment 🤣
#amwritinghorror #amwriting #writingcommunity #horror
So yes, I might be procrastinating actually finishing my book a bit 😅
But, the environment does look nice!
(Context: instead of writing words, I spent all morning working on the site where I post my work for my Advance Readers)
#author #amwritinghorror #amwriting #writingcommunity
Broke the 25k words today, so I'm now officially in novella territory. 😁
I did a full read through and I noticed that the earlier chapters feel rushed and cramped now, with a level of detail more suited to a short story (what this was intended as).
I'll probably revise that once I'm through.
#amwritinghorror #amwriting #writingcommunity
Discovered a three-week old agent request for my manuscript sitting in spam today, which is great news, but super embarrassing, and I'm all, "Hi! This is our first real interaction, I'm totally nailing it, right?" 🤦
#amwriting #amwritinghorror #amquerying #writingcommunity #writer
#amwriting #amwritinghorror #amquerying #writingcommunity #writer
Monstrous Magazine wants horror and dark flash fiction 1K-2K words long, pays $.06/word, subs open until 7/27/23. (1/4)
#amwriting #amwritinghorror #horror #writingcommunity #shortstories
#amwriting #amwritinghorror #horror #writingcommunity #shortstories
Quick #writing update: I've hit 20k words and created an outline for the finale.
Still writing, editing and publishing roughly one chapter per week.
My poor main character is in for some more rough times 😈
#amwritinghorror #amwriting #writing
If I was to write a #ShortStory with James Watt--former Secretary of the Interior under Reagan, first Dispensationalist Christian to reach high federal office (who felt resources should be exploited because they wouldn't be needed when Jesus raptured him up), and horrendous bigot--as protagonist, who should be his love interest? #AmWritingHorror #AmWriting #WritersOfMastodon#AuthorsOfMastodon
#shortstory #amwritinghorror #amwriting #writersofmastodon
I did a little tinkering on Canva for a cover, and I have to say I'm very pleased with the result.
This is starting to feel more and more real 🥰
#amwritinghorror #amwriting #writingcommunity
Well.. I hit 15k words today.
I know, rookie numbers but for me it's by far the longest piece of fiction I've written. Estimating now that it will be between 20k and 25k words.
#amwritinghorror #writingcommunity
Partially it's because I know how to write fun accessible stuff, but that's not what I'm doing write now.
My WIP is all about mental health and dark emotions. It's dark, it's unsettling and gory in places.
This was always going to be an acquired taste.
I'm putting my main character through some pretty horrific shit... I'm making him suffer for my art. That's how you do it right? 😅
#writingcommunity #horror #amwriting #amwritinghorror
Sometimes I struggle with dialogue and sometimes I get it right 😁
#writingcommunity #horror #amwritinghorror #amwriting
So, wrote about 1000 words today, reaching the point where my MC realises that something is really.. really wrong.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #amwritinghorror
Submitted my little queer SpecFic flash fiction. Managed to get two interpretations of the 'Rise' theme into 300 words and make social commentary on two issues. It's a little bit horror and a little bit SciFi. Would love it to make the cut, but even if it doesn't I really enjoyed writing it...and at the end of the day that's half the point!
#amWriting #amwritingspecfic #amwritingqueerstories #amwritinghorror #amwritingscifi
Spent half of my sleeping hours and most of today developing a short story I've been invited to write. It's a bit outside my comfort zone, both in terms of length and genre.
I have a character, a setting, and a great beginning...BUT...I'm struggling a bit with the story arc/plot/premise.
#amWriting #amwritinghorror #amwritingspecfic