#amwriting #amwritingSOMH memoir about living with eating disorders in the Philippines.
🧵 to collect updates about my progress so far.
#amwriting #amwritingSOMH is a memoir about my eating disorder and living with BN in the Philippines. Creative nonfiction. This thread collects updates #FilTheShelves
#amwriting #amwritingsomh #filtheshelves
Another idea is to look for willing translators who may want to work on Bisaya translations #amwritingSOMH
#amwritingSOMH coming up with a chapter list and an outline so that my reading and research can be more purposeful
#amwritingSOMH setting a deadline for myself to finish my outline by end of year has been a great help to waking up at 4AM.
Set myself a deadline to finish writing the outline for my book by January 2%23 #amwritingmemoir #amwritingSOMH
#amwritingmemoir #amwritingsomh