Today I worked on my short story collection, Letters From Elsewhere. It’s an unusual cocktail of fantasy, science fiction and erotica, shaken together in weird and unexpected ways.
It's almost done.
I'm just faffing around with the story order,(random or themed?) and doing tiny editorial tweaks. Then, will send it to a couple of beta readers. While it's with them I'll create a cover for it.
#AmWriting #AmWritingSpecFic
So...I've done all the cosmetic edits my developmental editor suggested.
That leaves me with the big meaty edits: the ones to set up later action; the ones to bolster the main character's mindset; the ones to fill in missing or unexplained background information.
This will require serious brain power and tea...lots of tea.
#Editing #AmEditing
#AmWritingSpecFic #AmWritingSpaceOpera maybe?
#editing #amediting #amwritingspecfic #amwritingspaceopera
I only managed to write about 300 words today. BUT...
I've identified the traitor, even though her motives remain murky.
I've planned out what needs to happen in the next chapter.
I'm setting up two characters to be undermined and become unreliable.
Fun, fun, fun.
#WritersOfMastodon #AmWriting #AmWritingSpecFic
#AmWritingSpaceOpera probably?
#writersofmastodon #amWriting #amwritingspecfic #amwritingspaceopera
After a slow start to my #writing day, I met my quota with a burst in the last 15 minutes. Sentence of the day...
'No assassin wishes to spend too many of her final days sitting on a beach-front veranda, with nothing better to do than watching the tide rise and fall.'
#writing #amwritingspecfic #amwritingspaceopera
Submitted my little queer SpecFic flash fiction. Managed to get two interpretations of the 'Rise' theme into 300 words and make social commentary on two issues. It's a little bit horror and a little bit SciFi. Would love it to make the cut, but even if it doesn't I really enjoyed writing it...and at the end of the day that's half the point!
#amWriting #amwritingspecfic #amwritingqueerstories #amwritinghorror #amwritingscifi
Wrote 300 word flash fiction in less than an hour today. Sometimes stories just write themselves.
#amWriting #amwritingspecfic #flashfiction #amwritingqueerstories
Spent half of my sleeping hours and most of today developing a short story I've been invited to write. It's a bit outside my comfort zone, both in terms of length and genre.
I have a character, a setting, and a great beginning...BUT...I'm struggling a bit with the story arc/plot/premise.
#amWriting #amwritinghorror #amwritingspecfic