#Vejon Health: Post Vax/Long #COVID Congress – The Silent Disaster
Lots of good speakers on the ticket.
#vejon #covid #SARSCoV2 #sars2 #LongCovid #prion #spikeprotien #spike #amyloidogenic #transfection #amyloids #amyloidosis #alzheimers #dementia #gof #GainOfFunction #sv40 #simianvirus #GP120 #aids #hiv #bioweapon #VaccineDamage #vaccines #COVID19 #mrna #dna #rna #microclots #clots #AdverseEvents #lipidnanoparticle #lnp #ClotShot #incapacitatingagent
@adam @Johncdvorak The next reveal should be the #amyloidogenic properties of the spike proteins that get broken down & stored in various parts of the body, as #PRIONS
It might take a while though, because once you know you have prions inside, you only acquire more prions that eventually lead to debilitating & deadly neuro degenerative diseases like #Alzheimers #Parkinsons. Prions never go away and resist even the extreme heat of the autoclave.
#amyloidogenic #prions #alzheimers #parkinsons
#Amyloidogenic #proteins in the #SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 #proteomes
#amyloidogenic #proteins #sars #proteomes